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    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Im going to check with a farm tomorrow, ty! 💕

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hi Everyone! It's been a while. Anyways, I need some HELP!! 2012 we purchased our home in a small vilage in Oswego County. Then, I received an okay from zoning who said there was nothing in the books against having poultry of any kind as long as we didn't have roosters. Fast forward to...

    NY chicken lover!!!! So I received a private message on Facebook from a concerned friend. I get something like this EVERY year. but this came...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    That's what I said! My husband is going to check again. But he looks like a she. I've never been so confused in my life. lol I asked him if it was the other white one who also looks like a girl and he said he's POSITIVE it was the black one because she did it right in front of him. Needless to...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thank you so much! You may have helped us be able to keep her. Now if I can just get her to tone it down until I measure her tomorrow and get the collar. Hahaha I have NEVER been through this before. It's quite comical.

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I never knew anything like that existed. Do they carry it at tractor supply? Is it humane? It won't shock her to death will it?

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thank you so much! I love them all. To part with any of them would be heart-breaking.

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I hope you can see the video it's black but you can hear it. I had to make it private just in case our neighbors were watching.

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Oh my gosh, yes! She's crowing. I'm waiting for my husband to send the video. The video is all black because it was too dark in the coop. But you'll hear her crowing. It's hilarious! Though not too hilarious because it puts me in a predicament. Hahaha We've been looking up that there are in fact...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    So my husband caught the culprit but we’re not really noticing that she’s any different than the other girls. My husband says both times we heard her that’s its ONLY in the CoOp and never in the run or at any other hour but 6am. We’re putting a door on the CoOp so they can’t go straight to...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thank you so much! I'll check them tomorrow. This caught us by surprise and of course a neighbor would have to complain around the time we have some other more important issues to tackle.

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Do all of them have to have a long saddle? I don't have any like the one pictured.

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Oh gosh! I'm freaking out. Hahaha We're going to need to find out who's doing it and rehome her. My neighbors have flipped. I'll go out and check the culprits but I'm so lost. I don't think I have roosters in there. None have those beautiful tails. They DO have those extra red combs and wattles...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I’m having a tough time telling the difference between the hens and a rooster. Since we’ve had these chickens for two years NONE of them have crowed until last week. It looks like we could two white ones and one black but we’re only hearing one crow. I’m so upset. I really don’t want to get...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hi everyone! I haven't been in here in a while. Long time, no see! Well, sadly I think we have a rooster. The sad part is 1. my neighbors aren't happy and 2. while I thought we had a rooster when they were younger 2 years ago, he hasn't started crowing until...LAST WEEK. Has anyone had that...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Checking in just to say hello to everyone! It sounds like your all doing well with your hatching. Maybe one day we'll get an incubator and buy the eggs. For now we don't have a Roo and my husband wouldn't agree with it right now. lol Girls are doing great from what I've seen. I did get a...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Your all a great bunch! I know I say this quite often when I'm in here but I love hearing about your flocks, your gardens and your very sweet hearts! Well, I can't wait to show pics but we cut a 1ft by 1ft hole in the wall because we put a sofa through it last month (forgot to measure). we've...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Oh, I see we do the same method you do! We've tried everything. From tilling, to throwing them down, you name it, we've tried it and the best method to date has been what my dad likes to call our "patchwork quilt". lol Really we do the lasagna method with a little bit of the square foot method...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thank you, your awesome! Rancher, it sounds like your busy! I'm interested in your pictures. Do you plant the squash on a hill or flat ground? We still have kale, spinach and escarole still growing in the garden from last fall. It's amazing!! I'd love to grow some spaghetti and hubbard...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hello everyone! How are you all doing? It looks like we're all planting. We're getting the garden tended to and with the nicer weather are REALLY excited!, I got the greenhouse up and am ready for good weather to come. The chickens are absolutely funny these days. Though I noticed that they...
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