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  1. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    One corner of the property is under several inches of water. The flood line extended just up to my summer squash, but hasn't drowned them. Integration night for the chickens. I have half a dozen young orpingtons to add to the flock. I'm on the fence about putting the keets with everyone. They...
  2. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I hear you! I tried to get some rhubarb going here and it never took off. I am going to have to try again, since I'd really like to have some growing!
  3. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Finally settling back in. Mom began getting sick a week and a half ago, and a week ago was admitted to the hospital for a heart attack. Was at the hospital for a good week, while my hubby (also sick and in the ER once and urgent care once over the same period) tried to manage the birds and an...
  4. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    What a gloriously fat toad!!!
  5. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My mulberry tree is huge, and laden with unripe fruit this year. It looks like it's going to be a bumper crop for the birds this year - the orchard looks like it's going to be a hot hangout in the fall as well!
  6. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    She is a handful - loud, large, and in charge... My saxony hens are all that way. Her mother can bite harder and do more damage than an angry goose. One of her sisters is the mistress of the Body Slam From Out of Nowhere. Her other sister is queen of the Bite from Behind... Drakes are much more...
  7. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Don't mess with Mr. Turkey!!! :lau
  8. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    We scoured the grounds - and her spot under the cart was the first place I looked. I found a really well hidden pekin nest, but not her. She got attacked by narcissus as a young duckling, and is basically a shut in. She will only go out if you put her out physically, and is always happy to get...
  9. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Loved that fawn vid!!!! I agree @Pyxis I think is was a rough shipping if we both lost one. Spotty internet here because of the rain and line work.. One of my ducks disappeared Monday in broad daylight. No alerts from the other birds. She is heavily imprinted and homed to the house. No sign...
  10. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Lost a Holderread baby last night. Smaller than the other two, and fussy. It was Hokderread, so I didn't think about the classic pattern of failure to thrive and lots of noise while otherwise eating and drinking implode within the first week of life thing because, you know, Holderread. In...
  11. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Today she is fixated on the baby geese. She is waiting for me to bring them inside for the night, and has been checking about every 15 minutes to see if they can come in. They have a flotilla of adult geese surrounding them. They don't need to come in until dusk. Mom is too far gone to...
  12. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I'm pretty sure I lost the hatcher contents. Some movement in the scovies, but about half are looking sketchy. Haven't checked the cabinet yet. Mom is paranoid and won't go into her room, so next stop looks like the hospital for her... Never a dull moment...
  13. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Have to candle the rest.. But am motivating to peek at everyone today... I was this one's brooder while the power was down..
  14. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Power went back on and off again, at least this time only for about 10 minutes. I shut the room down, and with the fan off the temperature shot up to well above 80. I was dying for 3 hours, but hopefully something lived! A generator is definitely in order. Mom's dementia is bad enough that she...
  15. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My husband and I watched a funnel form then dissipate. There was an unconfirmed report of a touch down two towns over, Of course, the power went out for three hours. The hatcher is full of Ancona eggs that just went into lockdown last night. Incubator 2 is full of scovies, and 3 was production...
  16. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I have read about this but never saw it until now. This is my set of pair bonded ganders, patiently babysitting my three little goslings...
  17. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I'm liking the idea of lavender Wyandottes - how much of a sale are they having, and when were you looking at ordering?
  18. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Total number of birds moved today: 0 I am too darn sick to mess with them today They are all still in their old pens, and Khan is back on his blankie in the hatchery because he really wants to roost with the big boys - but I'm mean and won't let him... Anconas went to lockdown - one was pipped...
  19. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thanks! I will have to look him up! (Now I'm curious to see what would happen if I put Kahn over one of my orpingtons... LOL!)
  20. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    That would be wonderful! A pure Malay is like a coelacanth - you don't find them very often!!!
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