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  1. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!! Any help is much appreciated. :)
  2. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Sorry. :( East Bethany. Anybody here there was a tornado spotted in Bliss?
  3. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    How are y'all WNY peeps holding up with the flooding?
  4. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    :yesss: More WNY peeps!!! I'm from Batavia
  5. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    No, its from yesterday morning
  6. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    You guys see this?
  7. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    But, in the southern-teir they got EGG sized hail!!!
  8. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    We got some rain and thunder. But it hit 90F here! :th
  9. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone get hit by storms today? We didn't get hit too hard. Thank goodness!
  10. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

  11. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    It's MAY!!!! Where is the warm weather!!!! April showers bring May showers?!?!?!
  12. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yes it is! For May the Fourth be with you!
  13. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yea, it is :(
  14. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My first hen, Red, died today... She was 5 years old...
  15. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Chick coop is ready, just waiting for warmer weather. Scrubbed it from top to bottom today. Hard work pays off!
  16. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Here are some pics of the chicks adventure outside today!
  17. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I went to get Chicken feed today at TSC, and they had brand new chicks! ISA Browns, RIR, Austrolorps, and Cornish Rocks. They were just soooo.... cute! I should have gotten some, but I don't need more burdz!
  18. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    OK will do.
  19. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    She is 5 yrs old
  20. LavvyTaffy

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Red the RIR is sick. She is very weak, she wobbles when she walks, and lays down to eat and drink. I gave her some apple and some chicken vitamins, and she is in a coop by herself. So if you could keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks.
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