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  1. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Rancher, I'll check about receipts....this is our first time so I'll check with Cooperative Extension on how to handle that and get back to you. Thank you! Ooohhhhhh.....Birchen marans My Henny Hens
  2. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Good Evening! I have been lurking for a long time. I tend to pay more attention to the chicken threads when I get the "hatching itch". So, here I am catching up on this thread a bit. I'm getting ready to separate the breeders in prep for hatching season (at least that's my goal for the...
  3. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    The ducklings (ok, i guess they are pretty much full grown at this point so I probably shouldn't call them ducklings anymore!) found their way to the pond the other day. They were SO EXCITED and have spent loads of time there since. Like good little ducks, they came home to the duck hut to go...
  4. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    County Boy - Thank you! but it seems Petersburg is a little too far. I lean toward LF rather than bantams, too. Have a good day!
  5. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anything pure (although those NN's don't do a darn thing for me!). PM me with what you have, how much you want and where you are - maybe we'll strike a deal!
  6. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Good Morning! I haven't been able to keep up recently with this thread - life. Anyhow, I have a broody hen (second time this season for this hen) and I'm hoping someone out there will have pure bred, fertile hatching eggs for sale I can put under her. My flock is all running together right...
  7. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Agreed! Love the stickers - maybe I'll get one of those!!
  8. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    It won't take long! Pretty soon everyone will be drinking their morning coffee out by the hives to watch the happenings at the entrance! Good Luck!!!
  9. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Henicillin - Yes, we did experience fewer winter losses with the bees thus making them stronger earlier. Your "wild" guess is on the money! GOOD LUCK getting the hives from the dude on 20. Welcome to life with both the "birds and the bees". Tee, hee!!!
  10. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I went out to shut everyone in tonight and noticed not 1, but 2 hens parked in nest boxes. Both determined to stay there. So far, I've had 6 broody hens this season .....I guess we'll have to add to that total! The funny part is I just put 12 Barnevelder eggs in the incubator because I didn't...
  11. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Good luck with the bees. It's been an active swarm season around here and great weather for your bees to establish themselves! Love the bees!
  12. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    We had a great weekend! DH wanted to know what I wanted for Mother's Day and I told him a house for the ducks. GUESS WHAT I GOT?????? That's right! A fabulous upcycled Duck House! Total cost: $25 for hardware. We used tin roofing and recycled some old decking. Whoot! The ducklings spent...
  13. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this announcement, but here goes; Our 4H club "the Country Homesteaders" is finally getting off the ground and looking for new members! Anyone interested in chickens, ducks, rabbits, gardening, bees, trees, arts and crafts and, well just about any...
  14. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I agree. fox. I had a fox here last summer and stalked my free range birds right though my yard in the middle of the afternoon! Ballsy little thing! Needless to say the fox is no longer. I tried to trap it w/o success. However, my FIL saw it dead when he was out hunting deer last fall. He...
  15. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    the maran eggs are darker - more like a chocolate bar. The barnie eggs are not as dark and are sometimes speckled, but darker than the comets, cochins, RIR in my coop. I'm getting 5+/- eggs per week from my birds (per bird).
  16. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    happy - I can't say enough about the Barnevelders! They are just wonderful! My head rooster is a barnie and he is the best (he's my avatar)! I have 3 little kids and he doesn't bother any of them. In fact, he eats out of their hands! The hens are sweet, docile birds. They are beautiful to...
  17. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thank you, Cass! You let me know the next time you need to satisfy a broody or just get that itch to hatch! I've got LF B/B/S Cochin, LF B/B/S Frizzle Cochin, Barnevelders and barnyard mutts!
  18. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    All this talk of NPIP! I just today was tested and certified NPIP. I was on the fence for a while, but decided to do it as I sell chicks and hatching eggs. I have to say, I'm THRILLED that I have a clean flock (as if I ever had a concern) The technician also "patted my back" telling me my...
  19. My Henny Hens

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hello! I haven't been keeping up w/this thread in a few weeks and it looks like I missed A LOT! We've been busy hatching fuzzy butts out left and right over here! In a matter of a weekend, we went from 3 chicks to 21 thanks to 3 momma hens! Needless to say, I now have WAY too many chickies...
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