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  1. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I’d be interested. Pics?
  2. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I know they make turkey feed in pellet form. At least that’s what their website says. I’m basing all my info off their website. There’s a keystone mills super close to me and I’ve heard really good things about them. But looking at their website I couldn’t find what I wanted. And most of the...
  3. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    What do you use by them? I’m trying to find a good local crumble or pellet all flock/ chick feed that has high protein. But I can only really find the mash. My bantams won’t eat the mash. I’d rather go with a crumble too but if I have to go with a pellet I will.
  4. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone looking for some roosters? I have two twelve week old Brahma olive egger crosses. They’re non aggressive and the father has yet to produce an offspring that was aggressive. The father is still a big lap bird that loves hugs and snuggles actually. None of my olive eggers are aggressive...
  5. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Oh my god I know. Everywhere I step I’m sinking into the ground. But at the same time I have a shovel I left in the ground that I can’t pull out because it’s still frozen in. This is crazy. I’ve also had five hens go broody on me. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the weather or...
  6. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I knew the city had crazy prices but dang. That’s ridiculous. Chickens on a balcony sounds like the crazy name of a band. 😂 I wish I could help you but I don’t have ducks. I would love to but I am working on moving now so can’t take in many more fowl. Maybe someone else will reply and be able...
  7. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    How’s everyone else dealing with this crazy weather? My lawn is a hot mess like it were spring time. I put down fresh wood chips in the run about a month ago and I swear you couldn’t tell. With the constant hot flashes NYS is having and the chickens digging in it they’ve all been worn down...
  8. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I know what you mean. I tried explaining that to the people here. Chickens are actually legal here but the ordinance makes it almost impossible to keep them. In reality no one cares if no one complains. Someone complained so everyone was forced to care. There’s no actual regulations on chicken...
  9. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone live near Schoharie county? I’m having some serious issues in my village due to a neighbor and am looking for a temporary place to house my chickens until i move. Nothing is set in stone yet. So i dont need a place right away. I’m trying to get a variance but even if i get it I’ll only be...
  10. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I’m always selling hatching eggs and I know come spring time you can find hatching eggs on Craigslist. But I’m not sure about specific breeders.
  11. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I live in the county next to you. Actually my zip code is constantly getting confused with Montgomery county.
  12. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I PMed you. 😊
  13. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I appreciate that actually. Most people I’ve talked to find out he’s a bantam and no longer want him. 😔 I have a farm that I give my roosters to but I hate giving them the bantams. They breed some silkies but I always feel bad asking them to take my extra roosters. I still have a few silkies I’m...
  14. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    No. So many people contact me then just stop talking to me when they find out where I am. Like a 30 minute drive, Schoharie county, is so far away. I wish I could keep him. He’s such a sweetie and so beautiful. I have two girls that look like him too. But I have too many boys and too much crap...
  15. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Super stressed over here. The rain isn’t helping one bit. It’s been raining here most of the day. I didn’t let the chickens out because they would have just hidden under the umbrella. Can’t wait to see pics of your chickens though.
  16. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Is anyone looking for, or know anyone that wants, a silkie rooster? He’s 14 weeks old and was an unexpected roo. I’ve had two people ghost me on Craigslist about him already. So I thought I might try here. I’m near Schoharie county.
  17. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I have only chickens. Silkies, light Brahmas and EEs are my main flock. Then I have a couple mixes mixed in and some one off breeds. Some sagittas, a leghorn, and a buff orpington. I think it’s 20 in all. I haven’t counted lately but I’m always selling and hatching too.
  18. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Omg! I’ve been saying the same thing to everyone. We’ve had non-stop rain for days with only a break in for a couple hours. Nothing is getting done around here because of all the rain and my yard looks like a jungle. Where was the tornado? I know Duanseburg gets them a lot around this time of...
  19. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I’ll recommend them from now on. I mostly deal with Lucky Duck anyway. I’ve gotten a lot of good hatching eggs from them. Really nice people. Moses acres is just closer to me so it’s the first one that came to my mind.
  20. Smileybans

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Oh ok. 😳 I hadn’t heard anything good or bad about them, but I’m new to buying and keeping chickens, that’s why I recommended them. Had you ever heard of lucky duck farm?
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