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  1. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    thats to bad. I'm all the way in oswego, north of syracuse. To long a drive for me.
  2. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

  3. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone had trouble mixing 2 different age groups of chickens together? My big girls (8 SLW) are around 18 weeks old, while my little girls ( 1 columbian and 4 GLW) are maybe 12 weeks old, and I tried putting them together and the big girls attacked the first one they saw. I then put them in a...
  4. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I knew how to shoot before I knew how to ride a bike. I got my first gun at age 9, a 22 for my birthday. By the time I was 10 I was hunting squirrels and rabbits by myself. At 11 I was using my dad's 243 to hunt deer. In my family hunting was just part of the growing up process. I wasn't allowed...
  5. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    When I was a Kid we used to shoot woodchucks out the living room window. Was a big field, and they always burrowed in one of 2 spots. Probably killed 10 or more every year. Our living room window folded in, and you just took the screen out and put a pillow on the window, and poked the gun out...
  6. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I ordered 8 from mypetchicken 3 weeks ago, lost 3 of the 8. They have an issue with shipping where they get stuck in cleveland, I won't order from them again. When I told them that I lost the birds I had to e-mail because it was after hours, and it took 5 days for them to respond, only to tell...
  7. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Been working on my coop, my bigger girls are gonna be happy when thats done I bet. Right now the 8 of them spend the day in a 3'x9' run, and at night they have about 12' square foot of floor space in a wooden crate thats maybe 2 feet high. not ideal, but they are thriving. They are 9 weeks old...
  8. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yeah theres no way i'm ordering birds from anyone. if i can't drive to get them then I don't want them.
  9. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Can anyone suggest a place to get bulk feed and possibly pine shavings or straw in oswego, cayuga or onandaga counties? I know I've asked about feed, but any responses were buried. Mypetchicken responded to my email 5 days after I sent it, despite claiming to respond within 2 days to all of...
  10. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Rancher I've been fermenting feed, and its super easy. You want a container with a lid, your normal feed and water. I got a 5 gallon bucket and a lid. You want your first batch to go 3-4 days of fermenting, after that you can backslop. So you put some feed in your container, say a weeks worth...
  11. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    i have no way of hatching them. Also any roosters i ended up with I just know my wife would want to keep as pets and I don't want any roosters. Also thank you for the offer. maybe next year when you hatch if your interested in selling some chicks I'd be down. Maybe by then I'll want a rooster.
  12. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    could be different in different states also. I know hes got brown and white egg birds. coulda sworn he said both were leghorns.
  13. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    that might be a chipmunk. rancher they are all leghorns, half white and half brown, i guess the whites have white eggs, the browns brown eggs so he has all the bases covered. They are no longer caged, so he can sell them as free range, although they are all still in a barn (or 3).
  14. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Rancher columbian seems to be the third most common variety of wyandotte behind SLW and GLW. buff and partridge I've only seen a few hatcheries have, including the hatchery in the finger lakes. I've also seen white and black, and some other varieties I'm not familiar with the names of. They are...
  15. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    And yes the blue laced reds are absolutely gorgeous. probably some of the prettiest birds I've seen regardless of species.
  16. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Rancher I like the more colorful varieties, but I'd be happy with buff, partridge, a couple of columbians to replace my lost birds even. Right now I have 13 birds going into a 8x6 coop, so I can get a few more birds in there without really overcrowding. Really just want some pretty birds that...
  17. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thanks for the advice. i don't mind doing a bit of driving, it can turn into a fun road trip. I really like wyandottes, and the cool part is I can have a mixed breed look without the mixed flock issues of some breeds being bullies to other breeds.
  18. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I have medicated chick starter that i fermented, although I also had some regular medicated feed available for them. And water with electrolytes. I'm not sure that these birds that died ever really ate, the rest have and are doing fine. I have checked CL and haven't seen what I'm looking for...
  19. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Just lost my 3rd chick out of 8. My wife and daughter are home crying, while I'm at work. Just sent an email to mypetchicken, we'll see if it does me any good. Next time I want new chicks theres a hatchery by the finger lakes I'm going to get them from. Unfortunately for me they didn't have the...
  20. elroddo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I'm going to. Was really upset, the most help the woman i talked to was to remind me to have water available for them as soon as I got them home. We set up the brooder, had the food and water dish ready to be filled, made sure we had the electrolytes on hand etc. The first batch we got was only...
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