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  1. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yes the little roosters are becoming very obvious! Plus a few might be Legbar/Marans cross so they'd definitely have big combs! And these boys are already getting a pink tint to their combs! Hopefully I'll get a few nice pullets out of them. Might be a good pair to breed to the Birchen Marans/OE...
  2. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Here's a few of the chicks from the eggs I won at Chickenstock! Apparently the Marans rooster was dominant because most are black with feathered feet. There's at least one frizzle polish/ Marans cross but it's looking a little roo-ish!
  3. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Sorry for your loss and hope you get your broody!
  4. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Wow, this thread has really become inactive compared to when I used to be more active on it. If I didn't check for a few days, there'd be several pages I'd missed. Well, it might just be you're all busy like I usually am. Or I prefer using IG to post photos & updates about the farm. Plus the...
  5. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hi all! I've been MIA for a long time on here, but decided to check in for chickenstock. It's been a crazy busy year thus far! Have hatched several batches of chicks already, but hoping for spring to finally arrive so I can build a few more breeding coops and separate them.
  6. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I prepared for a frost, but didn't have one. Only a very light frost on the grass clippings from the neighbor's newly mowed orchard. I'm thankful we've not had a frost yet, because the garden did poorly this year. But, the late planted zucchini & yellow scallop squash is just now starting to...
  7. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hi all! :frow I've been "missing the action" for awhile now. Like 113 "unread" posts. Not going to try catching up. Hope everyone has been ok. A friend near me is trying to sell her young birchen Marans rooster and hen pair & I thought someone on here, perhaps @rancher hicks was looking for...
  8. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I sold my ducks, as after 5 years, I decided I had enough of their messy ways, plus they didn't hatch well this year, only 8 & they "disappeared" within 2 days! I found a few that'd gotten caught in the rain & the mamma duck hadn't done her job of keeping them dry. :( I know what you mean about...
  9. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Oh & my eggs from Chickenstock have been hatching, though never got the chance to move them to the hatcher & separate them. So, I now have no clue who's from what eggs! :barnie Yikes! And it doesn't help they're lots of blue & blacks! A few look like splash or lavender, not sure as some were...
  10. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I've been in contact with her & actually picked up Wednesday the Rees line Legbars & a few other hens/Roos. I know she didn't want to split up the legbars. She had an appointment for her roosters with the butcher Friday & I think was moving this weekend. Hopefully you were able to contact her.
  11. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    It depends on the hen. Some will adopt - I've had good success when placing the chicks overnight under the hen when it's dark. Other hens won't adopt chicks unless they first hatch one or two of their own. Or if time elapses between her chicks hatching & the adopted chicks being added, she may...
  12. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    @CatMom - my vote for the chicks is the same, with the brown/black with the brown/black one leaning towards too. By 8-10 weeks old, it should be very obvious.
  13. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    They could be a little late, so don't give up on them yet. If none hatch, you can either try to break her broodiness, give her chicks or more eggs. Though some hens decide to stop on their own if their eggs don't hatch.
  14. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Glad to help out! I really like the Mama Heating Pad & it's also less electricity. I will say when it's cold & chicks are just-hatched, they spend the first few days mostly under the heating pad. But once they're fully feathered, I've had some 7-week-olds be without heat even when we had a 30...
  15. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I raise most of my chicks in an outside brooder using the "Mama heating pad" method so they feather out fast & get acclimated to the current temps ASAP. I've done hatches in late September/early October - some of which were raised by broody hens outside from day 3. By the time they were...
  16. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    @PhoredaBurds - this is the chick I was telling you about yesterday that came from a Spitz egg (wings out, not that wide). This is the older Spitz cross - unique color but 100% a rooster @LuvMyChicks1491 the rooster is settling in nicely Came home to chicks hatching under these...
  17. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I had a blue Andalusian rooster who was very aggressive, from a hatchery. But his son is wonderful & is 5 years old. He's actually helped keep peace among the young roosters. Though he's a wonderful rooster, I think his breeding years are coming to an end. I've watched him tread a hen but get...
  18. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    It's just one of the egg shell abnormalities that sometimes shows up, usually with older hens but could be a young pullet who's still figuring out the egg production process.
  19. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yes, I'd think aggressive roosters wouldn't be culled out in a large breeding flock for hatcheries.
  20. myfivegirls

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Sorry for your loss!
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