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  1. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    i live in lakewood but i dont have any polish ..but i am sure there are some around this neck of the woods ..i'll ask a friend who has had them in the past were she got them ..
  2. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    thanks everyone for the kind words ..i think i was still in shock and my reaction a little to do with it just happening ..i no things can go bad fast and was thinking i wasn't done dealing with this yet ..i will be burying her today ..i am looking for a place on my property to bury her ..seems...
  3. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    hello everyone . i no its been a bit since i had last posted in this thread gets busy .one of my col wyandottes passed away last night ..i went out to close the coop up for the night ..and she was sitting on the floor looking a bit out of it ..she had a runny nose so i put some vetrx on...
  4. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    my wellie roo's mellow as well wellie girls on the other hand are very skiddish ..i cant just pick them up ..they get flighty..i have been trying to get aprons on them all winter ..their backs are bare from other picking or the roo doing his dance on their backs .not sure which is the cause...
  5. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    nutty so sorry to hear of your lost..and it being dogs makes me real upset ..because it could have been avoided in the first place ..sometimes it seem like it doesn't matter how much we have invested in time and money ..its the fact we lose a part of ourselves ..blood ,sweat and tears ..again...
  6. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    hahaha . gramma your an then how could anyone not fall in love with your right ,some just need a little nudge..
  7. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    boy you dont want to miss a day around here ..i felt like i was back in school with all that reading i have been getting around 11 to 15 eggs a day 21 girls have been doing good ..i havent been shut out yet roo's frostbites getting better .. i finaly got my feather fixer...
  8. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    you no i think we tend to put the plastic up to hold the warmth in and with good intentions of keeping them warmer.but i think it also holds the moisture in and causes more harm then good ..i did the same thing with my coop last yr and i had some pretty frostbiten birds from it ..i have since...
  9. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    egg whites , huh ..i was going to put some neosporan on it looks like the tips are black already ..i smeared a whole bunch of vasilean on again last nite..hes still shacking his head .starting to think the vasileans causing more trouble then helping...i'll try the egg whites ..i was going...
  10. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    funny how that works with the kids ..altho my daughter had a tough go with trouble starting at about 14 and ending when she was 19 ..shes 28 now and shes the daughter i always hoped she'd be ..changed her life around completely ..altho her choice in men could be better or atleast whip this one...
  11. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    i no once you get frostbite you are reminded of it every winter ..i had a little on my toes from when i was a kid ..they still burn every time it starts to get cold ..another reason to move south in my opinion ..about sept i start getting grumpy about winter coming ..i've had 7 back surgerys so...
  12. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    -15 here this morn ..the windchill must be way down there ..birds are fed and closed up for the day ..i have some nesting boxes near the door to the run ..not sure i should open it ..afraid it will cause frozen eggs fast in these temps ..i filled a plastic pop bottle with cracked corn and popped...
  13. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    thanks but i am not going to chickenstock ..i am to far away and my wife's not really into driving that far and with birds it would drive her i am waiting to hear back from a friend who does 4-h and i am hoping she wants them ..not even sure which 5 to get rid of ..i have 11 of...
  14. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    i just spent 3 hrs cleaning my coop ..a little warm weather and i get all giddy for spring what a chose .. i am going to thin down my flock ..i'll have 5 columbian wyandottes that are a yr old this spring and are laying ..not sure what to do with them ..i hate to just give them to...
  15. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    yeah the chickenchick is were i got the recipe can use diffrent stuff in it ..its a real life saver when they start getting bored ..also i hang butter nut squash from the top of the coop and let it hang down about head high ..they peck at that stuff instead of each other ..some of the...
  16. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    well everytime i've asked about it they say they cant get it ..even tho all the other nutrena feeds are there in big bags ..i have asked at the still water feed store as well and have been on the special order list a few months now ..they havent gotten any in either ..the guy told me there the...
  17. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    i see the local lakewood tsc store is carrying no gmo feeds now ..only seen it in the sm bags tho ..i've been asking aboutr the feather fixer feed in 40lb bags for months but they wont or dont order it thaT way ..i think they figure as long as folks are buying the sm bags at 7 bucks a piece that...
  18. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    maybe you can tell who's print they are from this chart..i think grey squirrel seems about right ..i am keeping this chart in my faves for future use ..
  19. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    i have a crawl space under the house were the pipes are ..and lets just say i have gotten a little girth to me in my aging and am not sure i fit under there anymore ..but you are right , i need to wrap them and maybe have a heattape wrapped around them or maybe one of those bulbs ..i dont...
  20. wny egger

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    yeah i agree the below zero is tough on them .i have to say i must be venting the coop out better this yr tho signs of frostbite ..[knocking on wood ].. frozen water every few hrs is not fun either ..but i figure i have to collect eggs anyways before they freeze ..i want to throw them some...
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