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  1. Stands With A Fiddle


    Salt lake city council, regarding the side yard thing. My representative is Lisa Adams but if you're in Salt Lake City, your own representative would work too.
  2. Stands With A Fiddle


    I need a favor. My ******* neighbors whose kids throw wild bird seeds out into the yard and who keep uncovered kitchen waste in a receptical in their yard called animal control on me due to seeing a single rat. I'm going to do the permit application since I conform in all respects except...
  3. Stands With A Fiddle


    So, you gonna post the little fuzzballs, Janet? :D
  4. Stands With A Fiddle


    She is a White Leghorn (so, smaller) and she has a missing leg and missing wing, both on the same side (left). It seems to be a birth defect as there is no scar tissue present and nothing to attach a prosthetic to.
  5. Stands With A Fiddle


    Hey, I'm the friend! While my overwhelming preference is a Polish, I'd consider a second special needs hen as well. Or if you have an especially docile hen that wouldn't kick the butt of a special needs hen in a smaller enclosure, I'd consider that as well. Can anyone help with that...
  6. Stands With A Fiddle


    Marty, I have heard that hawks hate shiny things. Someone was telling me that people sometimes hang blank cd's from the tree to scare them. Also you could do some mylar or foil on the roof of your coop. Just a thought. And anyone feel free to tell me if the shiny thing is just an urban legend.
  7. Stands With A Fiddle


    Hey Marty, you beat me to it! My best friend read that article at the cafe this morning, and I just got around to reading it myself. I figured that there had to be another explanation. You know, the IFA layer feed is never going to be completely "arsenic free" because of the naturally...
  8. Stands With A Fiddle


    Yeah, she's a big girl. She also snores so loudly that I can hear her at night when I have my window open. I wonder how long she'll live with her size, because I seriously think she must have some chicken acromegaly or Prader-Willi or something like that. She also just barely started laying...
  9. Stands With A Fiddle


    P.S. Mongo's egg cracked as well, but the membrane was still intact and the ants didn't get to it so I will fry it tomorrow morning. I did get the pine shavings in when Mongo was done with the facilities, so hopefully no more cracked eggs. And I will be more diligent about keeping pine...
  10. Stands With A Fiddle


    Quote: The story is that I bought a bunch of day-old chicks at the IFA and one of them was exceptionally large. I started calling that one Mongo because of her size. I figured that she really wasn't day-old like all the rest, but it turns out she's just a big freaking hen. She's a Cuckoo...
  11. Stands With A Fiddle


    The privacy curtains seem to be working out. The first day I hung them, I had one chicken immediately use the facility. I've been getting 2-3 eggs inside the coop since then. And Mongo appears to be working on an egg right now. I have to get some pine shavings into the nesting boxes now that...
  12. Stands With A Fiddle


    Well, I hung up privacy curtains on their nest boxes. I made them out of squares of brown and green felt that I bought at Joanne's (4 for $1). Almost immediately after I hung it up, a Wellsummer decided to set up shop in one of the boxes. Let's hope it is private enough for them to utilize...
  13. Stands With A Fiddle


    Well, sadly some predator got at the eggs that Big Red was trying to hatch. So last night I threw her back over the fence and she willingly went to roost with the rest of the girls. We'll see if she returns to her nest, but I think she realizes what happenned
  14. Stands With A Fiddle


    Hi, my friend is looking for Americana and Wellsummer pullets. If anyone would like to get rid of some or knows of any, send me an email please. Thanks!
  15. Stands With A Fiddle


    Quote: It wasn't exactly curtains... I cut slits in them about 3" apart, about 3/4 from bottom to top. Nothing fancy, because of course, it's a chicken coop! Perfect! That's what I was thinking would most closely simulate the prickly bush where they lay. So good to know that this exercise...
  16. Stands With A Fiddle


    Yeah, I saw some of those Walmart scraps of felt and fleece for 75 cents, and that is what I wanted to get. It would be perfect for nest box curtains, and the price is right. I was also going to try it on two out of their four. Maybe I should try it on all four since they don't get used at...
  17. Stands With A Fiddle


    That's what Blacktail did, but a day later she was broody again. So by the time Abi got me the eggs it was pretty clear that her hopping off the nest and walking around was just a break and she really was broody. And I think I probably will "forget" to let them out for a couple of days once it...
  18. Stands With A Fiddle


    They seriously like curtains? I had a few people tell me I was ridiculous for suggesting it, but I thought it would more closely simulate the bushes.
  19. Stands With A Fiddle


    This is actually a very dark rickety old shed, and under a gigantic apricot tree. So it is a very private coop. I think I am going to try privacy curtains on a couple of nesting boxes, because they are very exposed compared to their usual haunts for egg laying.
  20. Stands With A Fiddle


    Only when I first got them. I think they would go stir crazy and peck each other to death if I were to lock them in that shed now after a full year of freedom. That said, I could trim the hedges where they lay to try and dissuade them. I also thought about privacy curtains for their nesting...
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