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  1. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    All right, looks like I will be ISO the breed club & try & network then I can't say enough how much I appreciate everyone's help. I will stick w/standards. If I get bantams I really want PRETTY bantams. (Not that BRs are ugly) I just mean the kind w/flowing tails, etc. Kristi
  2. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    K, and wouldn't it be easier if you partnered up with someone rather than ventured out alone? Kristi
  3. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    I, personally, am about to lock up my incubator and swallow the key, atleast until after spring. If I get anymore birds, they will be ALIVE already. It's worth paying the extra to me. After the hell I've had hatching lately, I just can't stand hatching anymore myself. I need to buy a better...
  4. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    Is Cackle a good place to go? Never heard of it before. Kristi
  5. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    I simply LOVE that I brought this up So glad SO many ppl seem to care & know about this topic Ok, so...with my guys, in particular, I do not want to breed a blurry bird, but I could start out with birds whose barring isn't perfect, as long as I breed 'opposites' or birds who are 'close.' More...
  6. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    Thank you...I can SEE the difference. I guess the 'wording' had me thinking something. The hen Kanchii posted is AMAZING...I have yet to see any pix like that and my girls CERTAINLY don't look like that. (Trust me, I will still love them) But I really like this breed, and I want to breed for the...
  7. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    Thanks, I certainly appreciate it. The person I got them from 'said' they were show stock...that doesn't 'mean' much, I know, and I'd LOVE to see the one you are referring to if someone could show me. Gotta go feed the kids, Kristi
  8. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    I personally think the cockrel in the middle is too 'blotchey' and will be one of the 2 I sell. My girls just seem too dark, but I will start to study them more individually I guess. Kristi
  9. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    Ok, here are my guys. And, PLEASE, tell me truthfully what you think. I kind of think I may just need to wait until they are full grown to tell. Kristi This is my 'pick' roo: These are 2 different cockrels (I have 4 total) Here's some of my girls: And I have more, but I think that's...
  10. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    The day they were hatched!?!? Wow...that's skill. How long have you been raising those? Kristi
  11. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    Ahhh I didn't subscribe to my own topic! So far behind to get pix, had to pick dad up from the airport, and I feel like crud...I wonder if I can get a decent pic a nite...I will go try... Kristi
  12. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    God, I don't want to be rude and 'pick apart' your birds, but SpeckledHen....your roo...isn't his 'white' too prominant, where as the hen, her black is- although, she is the 'more' correct of the 2? Would that be correct? I am asking to learn, not to be rude. Kristi
  13. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    I will have to take pix of my guys tomorrow and post them. My oldest ones are only 9.5 weeks old, but I think I have some that might be worth showing. There is a cockrel that I picked out at 3 weeks old as my 'pick' just for fun, only using my basic animal knowlege from dogs, and believe it or...
  14. tx_dane_mom

    Anyone show Barred Rocks?

    I am looking to ask some questions about BRs. Are the hens traditionally 'darker' in appearance than the males? I get that the bars are supposed to be equal, and my current 4 cockrels look amazing (IMO) but all my hens have from the get go have always been darker. Wonder if that's normal. I'd...
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