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  1. Beekissed

    I hate Hate HATE 'possums

    Quote: Shades of Granny Clampett.....don't ya just love her! I miss that old lady..... I've been bat bit before you were born!
  2. Beekissed

    I hate Hate HATE 'possums

    When I was growing up, we had some chicken fatalities that consisted of birds being eaten while on the roosts. They just had their breast meat eaten off....looked like they were eaten while still alive because they were still sitting peacefully on the roosts, dead. Caught the biggest possum...
  3. Beekissed

    I hate Hate HATE 'possums

    Quote: I do too Live things wont stay on the grill Whew! <gasp!> THAT felt gooooood!
  4. Beekissed

    I hate Hate HATE 'possums

    Glad everyone was come and take Earl home! Ya know? I really can't bear to kill him....he is so very ugly that he is cute, he stinks and he moves slow. Kind of reminds me of my ex-husband....... On second thought, WHERE'S MY GUN????
  5. Beekissed

    I hate Hate HATE 'possums

    Ms Jayne, I want to nominate that as the best pic of the week ever!!!! I don't know how you do it, but you still manage to look like a Cover Girl even while brandishing a dead possum..... It's just not right.....
  6. Beekissed

    I hate Hate HATE 'possums

    I had one walk into my kitchen the other night. We have dubbed him Earl....cause Earl's gotta die <singing Dixie Chicks> I kid you not...he walked in as I opened the door. The same one who has been eating the cat food on my porch. I brought my ferocious LGD in to annihilate him.....they...
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