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  1. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: Yep!
  2. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: SEE! I told you!!!! Where's redhen? She loves me. here i am!!! You guys better be nice to my Gritty! Mornin' Red
  3. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    There! I feel better now! I'm gonna go finish my dishes.
  4. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: Now that is just downright mean. Put your funny bone back. No, no Deb. It's quite alright. I understand his anger. It stems from jealousy cuz I've got purple PJs and he doesn't.
  5. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: Yeah, and they talk about us arkies!
  6. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: SEE! I told you!!!! Where's redhen? She loves me.
  7. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    PC is still ignoring me ain't he?
  8. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: Kat's been awake. Kat's been to wally world. We wandered the store aimlessly for about an hour before we settled down to grocery shopping. Had to wait to go to the store until after the chooks went to bed. The coyotes have been playing close by lately. Coyotes, good with hot...
  9. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: Purple is an awesome color!!! Tonight DH bought me a purple sweater with two tank tops to go under it, one grey, one PURPLE. He also bought me a pair of purple sneakers!!! Now how do I go about getting 13 cats? Back on topic: Ketchup is nasty on anything but fries. It was...
  10. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: Oh! That was for the mayo????? I thought it was to buy more chicken feed!
  11. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Could be.
  12. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Notice PC didn't miss me last night? I'm hurt! I may need years of therapy.
  13. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Well now, I really gotta go. PC, should you ever find your way to this thread and after you puke, I want you to know that I love you, even if you still hate me. I did TRY and defend you on this thread, but they edited my posts to look like I said mean things to you and we both know I don't...
  14. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: I gotta! I've got about five more mintues before I have to go and throw some water on my face, to simulate sweating from working so hard in the house today. I'm gonna try to come back though.
  15. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: Are you sure it was a furby and not a silkie?
  16. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: he's purposely ignoring us?? That is doubtful. While he is kinda cute, he does not have an off switch. That comment got me to thinking. Doesn't PC look a little bit like a Furby? They had off switches. I can type this without fear. DH is due home soon and I have to get...
  17. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: Well, it makes sense to me that if mayo is the devil, PC should absolutely adore it. He loves those evil, soul stealing chicken thingamabobs remember. Aren't they close friends with the devil?
  18. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Okay, you know who I'm gonna blame it on? Insiderart. Mainly cuz she's not online and also because she keeps those weird alien chicken-looking things, just like PC does. It would serve them both right if their silkies develop a taste for mayo.
  19. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: Coughcoughbullcough Yeah, right! He'll take one look at that mess and you'll hear him hollar "GRITSAR!!!!!!!!!!" clear from CT. He doesn't even need to read the card. Don't you know it's always your fault? Of course it is. That's why I'm blaming you.
  20. gritsar

    Purple Chicken!!

    Quote: He's out trying to find himself a woman that wears purple PJs. He'll be knocking at your door .... That's up to him. The door will be opened by a 6'4" man with a gun and a large puppy that can't hold his licker. That's IF he makes it over the cattle guard and around the cow patties.
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