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  1. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I found some eggs to have shipped. No need to respond now. Thanks to anyone who may have been looking.
  2. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hello everyone! It's been quite a while since I posted on this thread but I'm hoping that you all can help me to identify some hatching eggs for my two broody ladies, Lady Featherington and Glynda. We are hoping to find some polish and/or orpington eggs for the ladies to hatch. Does...
  3. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Sure thing. If you're ever in Hershey let me know.
  4. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I've been to Kane, St. Mary's, Brookville, Warren. All over NW PA.
  5. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Whereabouts in NW PA? I'm driving through cranberry township later today!
  6. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    If anyone else needs one of these traps, I picked mine up at Harbor Freight for a song. I think they have them all the time.
  7. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Those are beautiful photos. Very nice.
  8. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Congratulations!!! Its good to have a bathroom.
  9. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    The wind will dry it out.
  10. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I've got damage to my siding again this time. It's frustrating. I don't need more work. And everyone's trash blows to my house, UP the hill. It's because of the way the house faces but geeze secure your garbage cans. Now I sound like an old man, GET OFF MY GRASS!! LOL. :old
  11. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I'm just sick of the wind already. When did PA become Kansas already? :barnie
  12. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I think I have same coop and I have two new pullets in it this week!
  13. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I wish I could have been more help. :hugs:hugs
  14. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I'm so sorry. Sending hugs. :hugs:hugs:hugs
  15. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    It's hard to say without holding her but I would gamble that it is internal laying usually a result of salpingitis. My Daisy died from this. Her belly was so distended that there was space between her feathers on her belly and she could not walk upright. She waddled like a penguin. If that is...
  16. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Does she walk like a penguin?
  17. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I've had both egg bound and salpingitis and neither had "full" feeling. I hope she pulls through and we will add her to our prayers. Best of luck. :hugs:hugs
  18. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    My lavender orpington Hattie does the same thing. I have to make sure it is dark before I go out to close the coop or out she spills.
  19. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I cannot up vote this. I love white leghorns.
  20. BY Bob

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    :hugs:hugs poor baby.
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