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  1. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Sure. Here's the link: The graphic listed is also my flyer! Let me know if you need anything else.
  2. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    RE: American Holland Get-Together next weekend! I just confirmed our speaker for next weekend! I am so excited to meet everyone who will be making the trip! I want to make sure I have enough printouts and supplies. Can you give me a rough idea of how many will be able to make it? I am going to...
  3. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Please spread the word! I have the link to my blog with the details, so please pass this along to anyone who may be interested!
  4. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Good morning, A CPT training (classroom portion only) will be offered along with several hours of information for backyard/hobby poultry owners on April 14 in Lancaster. The class will start at 10 AM at the Farm and Home Center. Please RVSP to Stacy Rakocy at [email protected] if interested. Dr...
  5. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    It's a perfect storm of factors. We live only a few miles from a nature center that has a nesting pair. I know they successfully raised owlets last year as well. I have been feeding the songbirds because of the weather, and I read in many places that they attract the raptors who find fat...
  6. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I have had some terrible luck lately with owls and hawks. Is anyone hatching Australorps? I would be willing to pick up or even get pullets. I will be checking the classifieds, too, but I would like some eggs again this summer! :D Thanks!
  7. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I am hosting the first (that I know of) Barred Hollands breeder get-together. I have been talking to some relevant media outlets, and am looking to lineup some poultry judges, an LC (ALBC) rep, a farm-to-table dinner at a great local restaurant and lodgings. After I have an idea of how many we...
  8. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Wing, I am not sure what you meant by not wanting to call the state, but you might be able to go online versus phoning in. I recall that during CPT training, there was a specific portion about market birds. That included documentation for selling and transporting live birds as well as...
  9. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    FWIW, check on the side of the pallets for a brand or burn of "HT".... Some pallets are cheap, raw wood and wouldn't be a problem. However, others have treated wood. My organic gardener advised on HT if you can get them because they are heat treated and have less/ none of the chemicals that...
  10. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Don't be too sure. You could get lucky with just an old dog house elevated off the ground with cement blocks. Be creative! :)
  11. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    We would We would be willing to take a few, too, if you need to re home them. It's really too bad. They appear to have been really taken care of. I would love to have some, but I really hope you find their home. Good luck! - I was just thinking, you could also ask at the feed store who...
  12. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Looks like someone's flock, for sure. Do you have a place at the local grocery store or feed store you can check? I bet someone has posted that they are missing. You could even advertise that they passed through to weed out the responses from hunters or opportunists.
  13. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I am! I am manning the PASA booth for a shift Saturday morning, and then I am free. If you PM me, I can send you my info so we can meet up if you want. :)
  14. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thanks! They came early the next morning and are in quarantine in the garage as we speak. My girls heard the rooster's first crow and now they are so curious about what is in the garage! I can't keep them out of it. :)
  15. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I am volunteering for a shift at the PASA booth at the Mother Earth News Fair, too! It's Saturday morning, I think. Stop by and say hi. I would love to meet everyone. :)
  16. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I know, I have been in contact with her. :) Thanks for the encouragement! They evidently made the flight to Pittsburgh, but I don't know yet what happened. My local postmaster called this morning to have me pick them up. Everybody was safe and sound, plus I had 4 eggs in the box! I must...
  17. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Yes, thankfully. And the shipping should be refunded since they missed the time and date promised. I just feel like I am at the postal service's mercy since UPS and FedEx don't ship. :(
  18. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    The USPS lost my shipment of Barred Hollands. I bought another member's entire flock and they are just...poof. They left Springfield, Missouri, and that's the last anyone knows... ***!?!?
  19. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    "Okay, going to be a totally weird question but: Does anyone know someone who practices falconry?" There are falconer a in the Pocono area. I did a paper on them in high school. PA requires an apprenticeship, so I would Google Tunkhannock or Mountaintop for some masters to contact.
  20. Cheralee

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    It's been forever since I was on. Are there any swaps or meetups scheduled in the next few months? I need a road trip!
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