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  1. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hello ALL, I haven't been here for awhile... I guess life gets in the way. Anywayz, my girls have stopped laying, it's been over a week since we've gotten even one egg *sigh*. They all seem healthy and are very active, but no eggs. There are no note worthy changes in environment, diet or overall...
  2. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Ok, so we have separated our girl with the sour crop, Gertrude. I brought her inside after they went to bed last night so she wouldn't freak out too much. I put a heating pad under a towel in the cage and covered the whole thing with a blanket to keep it warm and dark so she could warm up. We...
  3. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hey stake, they don't free range yet (DH is being lazy about building the tractor), but boy do they want to!! They all come running to the people door when we come to the run and yesterday hile I was at work, DH said 2 of the girls got out and he had to catch them ! I took the opportunity to...
  4. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    OMGosh!!! I woulda cried and cried!! I'm so sorry you had to experience that chippysmom327, but the fact that you kept at it is fantastic! Thank you for sharing and for the words of encouragement . WOW, I am honored that you would "delurk" and risk it all to send me encouragement from the other...
  5. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Ok seriously, why am I having ALL the chicken drama?! It has only been 3 weeks today since we brought the girls home and so far we have experienced molt (stress related or otherwise), lice and now... wait for it... SOUR CROP !!! Three of the girls are laying for us now, we average 2 eggs per...
  6. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I wish you lived closer, I have like 20+ egg cartons and only 7 eggs !! When people found out we were getting chickens they felt compelled to give me all their egg cartons. As of yesterday, day 9 of laying, we were getting one egg per day (2 girls taking turns)... today we got 2 eggs already and...
  7. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Good for you wing!! I wish I lived further out of town so we could do a lot more of what we're doing now, however I am grateful that we were allowed to do this much in/on rented property. Some day, ahhh some fine day !
  8. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Yeah, it made me nauseous and I felt so bad for her. She was in that nesting box (yes, we finally got them laying in there lol) for at least an hour... no "egg song" either. I noticed for a couple days before she was kinda dizzy and skittish, but I chalked it up to the heat, then this egg...
  9. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hey all! So as you may know, 2 of my girls have been taking turns laying, so we were getting an egg a day for a week. Yesterday a 3rd girl laid, but neither of the other girls did, however the egg was very small and brittle. It was about the size of a quail egg and when we opened it, there...
  10. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I am sooo excited I could scream lol!! I did scream yesterday when we found the first egg... my poor neighbors !!
  11. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    and the Pennsylvania!! Unite!! thread! There are a lot of great people here with awesome advice and tons of patience for us newbies and all our questions... you WILL have questions, I know what I'm talking about ! I'm only 9 days into it, I ended up with older Red Sex Links from the auction...
  12. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Day #2, egg #2! #2 is on the left, it's smaller and lighter, does that mean a different girl laid it?! Btw, I have enough for an omlet now !!
  13. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hi and welcome back, even though I'm new so I wouldn't know you from before lol! Sorry to hear about your loss, but very glad to hear of your return! We've only had chickens for 8 days (but got our 1st egg today... it's a GOOD day), but I am loving it. We've had a few road blocks over the past...
  14. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thanks wing! My, people are so neighborly here .
  15. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thanks bunches!! I thought I had done a thorough research job (been reading here and other sites, along with google searches for about 3 months lol), but reading about it and actually doing it are entirely different things as I've come to realize . I believe my girls are happy or at least...
  16. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    How much for the girls? I can't have roos () and I shouldn't get chicks beause we're not set up for that... yet, so that would be irresponsible chicken mommy of me to take them. Approximately how much does shipping cost?! Our wallets are pretty light at the momet hehe.
  17. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    WE GOT OUR 1ST EGG!!!!! Wow, what timing... DH was seriously ready to throw in the towel, but I wasn't ready to give up!! Thanks soooo much to everyone for all the advice and support, this is freaking AWESOME!!! My 10 yr old was very impressed by it's size... you can't see his HUGE grin...
  18. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I might actually take you up on that offer wing lmao!! I wouldn't tell DH so then he won't make me get rid of them, and maybe he'll even let me get more . Thanks for the neighborly offer... and the errr, ummm not so encouraging "if at all" comment . I really am considering finding me a few...
  19. KlingKlan

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Ok, at the risk of becoming annoying lol, I have another question... Why are my stinkin' hens (2 in particular) going into the nest boxes and then singing the blasted "egg song" at the top of their not so little chicken lungs, but NOT laying eggs?! This morning was the 3rd time in just under a...
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