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  1. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    We have a variety! ISA Brown, White Leghorn, Barred Rock, Light Brahma, Australorp and a few mixes. Of course we took the precaution of wrapping to keep out draft, but it was a hard won victory to get him off the idea of heat. There is certainly ventilation in the coop and attached run, but...
  2. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thank you. I figured they would be fine, but hubby worries. I had to talk him out of a heat lamp too. My flock are a year old...or mostly. I have 6 6-week-olds that I'll hold off another week or two, but just want to air out the coop/run and get it cleaned out for spring!!
  3. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    At what nighttime temp is it safe to unwrap my coop/run. Is 40 or just above too chilly? Obviously it is warm enough during the day, particularly today!! Only half of my girls roost inside their enclosed coop, the other half prefer the rafters of the run. Thanks!
  4. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Question: My new-to-me Australorp mix roo, not sure of exact age but guesstimate about 10-12 weeks, hasn't attempted to crow yet that I am aware of. He is penned with his 5 ladies in a run attached to my original flock who we got as day olds back in April. My big roo, Tank, crows to beat the...
  5. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    My hubby suggested something very similar the other day!! Hey, it is getting dark and cooler more quickly these days. When it becomes too chilly and dark to sit and watch from the coop/run itself, we can just turn on the TV and continue viewing!!
  6. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Sure! These lovely Barred Rock beauties came to me from @dgibson0604 when they were about 6 or 7 weeks. Flo is in the center, Roxy is in the rear right. We love our chatty BR girls!!
  7. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Here are two closer shots of Sirius. I think he is some sort of BA mix. Any opinions on gender are helpful. Thanks.
  8. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Minus the new nesting boxes we're adding this afternoon, here is the just about completed chicken palace. The original coop and run are on the front and right side. The new crew's digs are behind the coop on the left. Their new nesting area is being added to the back left.
  9. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Sorry, uploading pics on my phone and it was slow going. The reb bird in the back is one of my sex link gals. No questions there. Sirius is the little black, speckly, larger comb and wattled critter in the center of my next posted photo.
  10. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Is my boy a boy??
  11. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hubs and I have expanded our flock to 14 as of yesterday. I swear we are done! I am fairly certain our Sirius is a roo, so he needed his own girls. Our rogue EE, now named Bellatrix, was safely captured on Friday. We've added two lady BAs and two lovely Light Brahmas. OnceI figure out how...
  12. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hubby began some new construction yesterday. We've caught Sirius Black, previously know as Wingtip, and finally had the missing EE, Gladys, back in the yard this morning, so we will need somewhere for them to call home until we can integrate them with the rest of the crew. Personally, I think...
  13. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I apologize for going on about these birds... Wingtip, thus named for the white tips at the end of each wing, escaped the coop, but is still hanging around the yard and woods near the house. We've made food and water available for him/her and the still MIA EE, Gladys, and have seen it hanging...
  14. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hubby feels terrible since he just had to let me know that the second of our two new-to-us birds has just flown the coop. I feel horrible, but know that my intention was to care for these birds who'd been neglected, and their wildness was not our fault. I hope that they are okay...
  15. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Sadly, the EE escaped the kennel into the woods and I'm hardly expecting it to find its way back. Hubby tried really hard to catch it. As they were kept almost wild, I guess it was too much to ask... Feeling very sad.
  16. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Ancona for the black, maybe? Since I don't have an idea on age, I'm just looking online and guessing...
  17. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I just got these little darlings from my brother- in- law. Any ideas what exactly they are, breed and gender?
  18. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I am fine, and laughing myself...though I am likely to have more pain and stiffness as the day goes on. Advil will be my constant companion, as will the heating pad when I get home from work!
  19. LadyJane8

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    After some epic rain last night, my run was an epic disaster this morning. Slipped right on the poop, feet flew in the air and I landed right on my, well, you see... My rooster narrowly escaped my no-so-graceful fall. The clothes got a shower after I did...
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