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  1. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Would anyone here be interested in any roosters? I have a bazillion and need homes for them if possible. I have mixes, NN's and pet quality silkie roos. They are all good boys, they just need their own space. Also, if I can't find homes for them, does anyone know where there might be an auction...
  2. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Would anyone be in need of a rooster or two or ten for their flock? LOL I have way too many and they are in need of some new homes. They are going stir crazy with this snow and the fighting has begun. All are good boys, good to people hens and chicks but they are just not happy that there are so...
  3. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    OMG! Is this cold ever going to end???!! I am exhausted!
  4. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I agree! They are such a blast to have around, aren't they?
  5. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    That wasn't too far from Thomaston. I had a hard time finding work down there and had to come back up here. I started looking at possible jobs down that way again.
  6. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Oh goodness, I don't know. I do know he really grew alot since I had gotten him which has only been 4 weeks. If I had to guess on him, I would say 15 or more pounds? My one girl is big and feels very close in weight to the tom at this point and the bossiest girl is tiny and can't be much over 10...
  7. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    What area did you live in? I had lived in Thomaston. I miss it too especially this winter! I hope to go back one day.
  8. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I will! I can't wait! I am new to turkeys but am really enjoying raising them! Here is a pic of the Tom I got. He is 6-7 months old and just started to display this week. The girls are so comical especially my smallest hen. She bosses all the others around! LOL
  9. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    No, I have not gotten tested since moving back to PA. I was when I was in GA and they were due for retesting in November but I have not done it since being back here as yet.
  10. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I might be able to help with the Narri's in the spring. I had gotten 3 hens and just got a Tom for them not too long ago.
  11. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    He is such a good rooster too and that is why he got it so bad. His girls bedded down underneath the coop and he stood guard outside all day to make sure they were safe. Crazy boys!
  12. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    This is my boy that got frostbite the worst. My other boy's comb is turning red again
  13. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I am looking at the pictures and roo doesn't scream out at me. The first pic you can see a little orange but there are no streamers. Maybe it is just the lighting in the pics but most look like pullets.
  14. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    The usual human is 250 mg four times a day. Max dose is 4 grams per day. Ideally it would be great to do a culture and sensitivity on all of our chickens who have an infection however I can't do that. This would be my first choice on a skin infection not responding to topical tao. It is highly...
  15. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I bet he is! The boys do worry about their girls. Yes, they love the scrambled eggs too. I even baked mine a flock block to help them through the cold! LOL
  16. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I hope he continues to get better for you! I think the best thing you can do is beef up their vitamins and protein for healing and try to keep any infections at bay. I pumped up my flocks vitamins and added mealworms to their feed a few days before the cold came, during the cold and a few days...
  17. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I would just keep an eye on it for now and see how he does with the neosporin. I always have keflex around the house. Keflex is for humans but works well for animals too. I am fortunate my Dr. writes for refills for me so I can just fill them as I need them. ;) But to purchase them for animals...
  18. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Glad they are doing OK. He is a handsome boy and the comb is just cosmetic, right so he could still make some nice babies! ;)
  19. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I am just using the triple antibiotic ointment also. I want to see if that will work before trying anything more. So far everything is looking OK on him. How is yours doing. If he does get an infection despite using this, I am going to give keflex which is good for skin infections.
  20. NewToFarming

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Found it Sally and you one boy looks to have it pretty bad but it sure was an impressive comb!!!. I think my one boy will lose his points for sure also. Right now I am making sure infection doesn't set in on my bad. His wattles also got frostbitten. So far so good!
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