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  1. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    My mother in law was upset too! She thinks we're nuts. We got rid of our coffee machine too, and use a stainless steel percolator. Gotta have my java, and it smells amaaaaazing while its brewing on the stovetop. :)
  2. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    We have been without a microwave for almost 6 months now. I dont miss it. Nothing beats stove-top popped popcorn! We just warm leftovers up on the stove, so honestly the microwave was convenient for hands-off tasks, but its just as easy on the stove (just not hands-off). I personally feel the...
  3. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Very cute!
  4. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Goats have so many uses, too! And they multiply..... so in the end, you win out lol
  5. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    That's how I got my cats! Well, not a backhoe, but a used fishing boat on one and a used hunting rifle on the other. (everyone tells me I got the short end of the stick haha, but I love my animals, and if I have to barter a bit.... c'est la vie )
  6. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Welcome! I'm up in Erie Co. :) I'm sorry about your hens! I lost some of my CX to a raccoon attack about two weeks ago, and it's such a frustrating/sad thing all rolled into one. I hope your hen comes out of it okay. Great coop! Love the covered run.
  7. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Welcome! I'm from Erie County :)
  8. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thank you, I appreciate it! If we had more than a couple to do, I think I'd be taking you up on it stat. We've been processing them at first as they "started to go"---I've been free ranging them for a few weeks but they still appear to periodically be dropping from heart attacks ever since that...
  9. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Congrats! Love the different colors :)
  10. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I'm so behind on all the posts! 1) To all those who are in the "hunt zone" with the shooter on the run, I hope you stay safe and that they catch that man soon. Such a frightening and tragic situation. 2) Wingstone--- if I were in your region, I would volunteer to help you. I've only...
  11. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    If you were closer, I'd be taking you up on a rooster! It's about a 6 hour drive or else I would. Just got rid of our initial roo, who was much too aggressive with my ladies. Congrats on the new baby! And for having a good experience with the homebirth. beautiful rooster :) Thanks for the...
  12. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I'm in Erie County. Bradford County is East of me by about 31/2 hrs. I'd like to know too! I see this on my eggs, and I thought it meant they were fertile (at least according to The Magic Schoolbus show my kids watch ), but I'm not 100% positive.
  13. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I'm going to check out the produce auction tomorrow afternoon. I need to start canning more seriously now that I've got my CX chicks outside (they'll be 3 weeks old on Tues, but they're too big and stinky to keep inside any longer!)---took a while to get the run put together.
  14. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

  15. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Glad your girls are okay!!!
  16. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I'm jealous! That sounds like an awesome store to have access to! My tomatoes were doing amazing, loads of them all green and growing, then at the same time came bites (deer maybe? Pretty sure my fence-hopping hen RedHawk has been a culprit too) and blight. I'm upset. I had planned on canning...
  17. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Wow. I'm jealous!! We don't have anything like that where I'm at. I'd totally be stocking up too! And I'm happy your kitten saga is going so well! That's a big thing for the scared little guy to want attention. Good job! Thanks for posting the instructions! I think I'm going to give this a try...
  18. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Glad you found them! Love the little silhouettes. I've got a couple of chicken saddles to make before the weather gets cold! I hadn't thought of blu-kot, I didn't know it was good to use as a deterrent, I thought it was just to use on wounds (I'm still learning!). I'd love to take him off...
  19. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    yup! Stake---I wanted to try quail, but they were sold out when I was looking (I waited until pretty late in the season for the hatcheries around here), so I just upped my quantity of Cornish Cross chicks (unbeknownst to my poor DH).
  20. PlaidBattleAxe

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Welcome! I'm in Erie. Your current CX are a week ahead of mine, and this is my first hand at raising them up. Enjoy this thread! Lots of awesome folks on it.
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