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  1. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Welp, the universe has a funny way of doing things. So I'm in the process of getting my grow out/meat bird pen finished so I can finally evict these darn roosters out to my mom's instead of them being cooped up in my office! I was at Agway today getting supplies for just that, and a lady heard...
  2. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I can certainly do that!
  3. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Jane if that tractor is still available, I'll happily take it off your hands. We need a grow out pen for the roosters and my farm (at my mom's place) is only 45 mins to an hour from you!
  4. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Luck is on my side!!! A friend got me in touch with a family member of his looking for birds yesterday, she's buying 3 females off me. And today I chatted with a lady in one of the chicken groups that's buying the other 2 females! So all my females are now spoken for which means it's time to...
  5. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Heh, I figured you'd understand better than most. And fair, I just wanted to at least get it off my chest and warn people in case they were nearby/if they got out to this neck of the woods. Oh trust me, she was very excited pulling up your website and looking through what you have hatching...
  6. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Welp that was an adventure. (Long post incoming!) Yesterday I printed out flyers (I did 6 so I had one extra just in case and boy am I glad I did) and went around town dropping them off at a bunch of feed mills. I started with my local Agway which is over in Cressona, lovely people there. It...
  7. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hatching update: 11 healthy babies, 6 boys, 5 girls. Had one egg in the incubator for a few days that had externally pipped on the side and missed the air cell completely. I was trying to let her do her thing but she didn't make it. Found her this morning. Recandled the final 5 eggs, two...
  8. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Ahhhh okay see that is a lot easier to understand than the very technical article I found yesterday while trying to figure out what I did. Don't get me wrong the article had some great info. But it was a bit more on the technical genetics side than I had the brain capacity for at that...
  9. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hey all it's Hatching Day! And something funny just happened. Good news, there's one out already and she's in the brooder hopping around like a goof ball, and two starting to pip. (Slightly bad news, there's one that hatched still in the incubator with a big yolk sac and I have a funny feeling...
  10. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Lockdown has begun!!! I've got 18 eggs waiting to hatch and oh my gods am I going to punt this incubator if things don't start working right. I get the temp up and the humidity drops, I get the humidity up and the temp drops! :barnie -sighs- It's been old faithful for many years but I think it...
  11. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hey fisher!!! It's good to see you! And I totally feel that on the restrictions... I've been trying to take every egg from my geese that I can because it's still too darn early yet, plus I really don't want more babies in the one pen. How's everyone holding up with all this rain though? My...
  12. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Today is day seven so I can definitely flip it and hope for the best!
  13. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Update from the incubator! Just candled, technically day 6 but tomorrow I'm gonna be super busy so I figured tonight would be prudent. Out of 24 eggs only 4 duds! There are a couple air cells that look a bit on the smaller side, and there's only one egg I'm actually worried about. Um... So I...
  14. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I set 24 eggs in my incubator last night! I have one left over. Here's hoping everything works out okay, technically I've set eggs that were at days 10-12 of sitting out because of shenanigans trying to find a freaking thermometer that works for what I need. Speaking of, it seems to be running a...
  15. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Getting my incubator set up today. It's been so long since I used it that the autoturn cradle gave me a heart attack. (I forgot how slow it was...) Fingers crossed that I don't need to adjust the thermostat cause lord have mercy do I not know what I'm doing with that. I'm gonna try to find a...
  16. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    And there's my cue to pop back in! Hey everybody! How's everyone doing? Breeding season is upon us for the geese and I am finally getting enough eggs from my Red Sex Link project birds to get the Brinsea fired up! If anyone's interested in red sex link chicks (they're a RIR/Barred Rock cross)...
  17. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Welp it's happened. I have at least two geese that are sitting with a third actively attempting! Now begins the crazy rush to try and fix fencing and get repairs done in time so that way we don't lose goslings to holes in the floor or too wide fencing... again. This is exactly why I wanted to...
  18. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Yeah, I can certainly do that! I might be going and getting a curio cabinet down in Broomall this Saturday so as soon as I know when that all is happening I can plan around that and stop by your place. Also, I'd love to look at that John Suscovich book for the chicken tractor plans. It turns...
  19. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Trust me these are the days where I wish I had a cabinet incubator to throw these goose eggs in because we're just getting loaded with em. Whenever you have space for some just give me a hollar and I can bring you some eggs. Not sure how long they'll last unwashed just sitting around on the...
  20. fangedknight

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Do you have space for... -checks baskets- 17 goose eggs? I need to clean off a couple a bit and mark them for who's from which group, but they're sitting here at room temp ready to go. (No idea how well they'd do though since it's been pretty cold outside).
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