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  1. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Another hot and sticky day in SE PA! I usually let the chickens out at dusk for a run around, but today I strung a tarp up on an enclosure and gave them last year’s CornishX tractor with its food and water station for the whole day. They loved sunbathing and digging dusty holes all day, and no...
  2. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    We are back in Malvern, PA after half a year away. The car doesn't work and will need money spending on it, so we're living on grocery deliveries. One thing that was delivered was the eggs I ordered, so my home made styrofoam incubator is back in service! Here's what arrived from Spectrum...
  3. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hello everybody, I’m back to our flock in SE PA next week. This week I was in Okinawa Japan, and went to visit a farm to see if they had any cool Japanese ways to look after their chickens. Here’s my badly shot and short video:
  4. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    THat sounds like a good plan. Why are you going for the 42" rather than the 48" option? Are most of yours Orpingtons and Wyandottes? I read that if you have flighty birds like Legbars then there's a chance you might have to get into wing clipping to keep them in. Are you buying straight off the...
  5. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Where did you buy the electric fence from? Are they very expensive? Your post made me think maybe to use our chicken tractor close to trees, then ring a tree with portable fencing to safely let the chickens out for restricted foraging. Whenever we have had a hawk attack it has been out in the...
  6. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    That is interesting you say you lost all your white chickens to predators. If you live in an area prone to hawk attack do your chickens stand more chance of going unnoticed if they are not white? Since 2016 we have had 3 fatal hawk attacks: Super Blue Egg Layer (White) Black Copper Marans...
  7. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I’m currently in North East Japan, a little by far from SE PA. Came across this duck set-up while hiking today.
  8. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thanks for the link @dheltzel, a good read. Dr. Sheryl Davidson and her staff were super friendly, they even pointed out the ponies in the field over the road and the cows. We drove past a lot of veterinarian education places and the whole area looks to be dedicated to the study of animals. We...
  9. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I'm not sure. I'll ask the doctor's advice tomorrow. It's such a pity that Merek's stays in the ground for so long. Our chickens range all over.
  10. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hi @Auroradream26 , thanks again for your advice with our Wheaten Marans pullet. I gave her a new sling to sit in last night because it's easier for her to eat that way now. I called Dr. Sheryl Davidson at the poultry pathology place in Kennett Square today and they said I can bring her in...
  11. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thanks for the document. Kennett Square is quite close to me. Should I take her there alive and have her tested?
  12. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    If Merek’s Should I cull the whole flock and not keep chickens for about a year? Her sibling is fine as is the rest of the flock.
  13. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I'm still hoping there'll be a miraculous recovery, but if it comes to it, I'll have to deal with it. I'm the one who has to kill the insects that get into the house, so you can imagine the response asking for help culling a sick pullet! She ate all the meat and veggies in the box in the...
  14. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    A little hard to make out in this picture. Before spending 3 days in a sling she had one leg sticking out to the right, now after the sling both legs are next to her head. I think the sling did more harm than good :(
  15. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    beautiful looking eggs! Our Welbar and Blue Orp decided to both return to laying today after the molt. All hens are laying!
  16. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    thanks for asking @AnneInTheBurbs . She's had 3 days and nights in a sling with her feet just touching the ground. She had food and water right in front of her and has eaten a lot and generated a lot of poop. I took her out today and laid her on fresh leaves in her isolation cage. She flapped a...
  17. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    It's interesting to hear about how everybody's laying is going. It sounds like it's good to have a few red sex links in flock to make sure there are eggs for breakfast through winter. Here's how our flock is doing: Buff Orpington - About 4 a week New Hamp Red - About 5 a week Ameraucana - About...
  18. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Naming a loud bantam Tyrion!? Brilliant!
  19. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I use the same method with 5 gallon buckets. most online guides recommend a 3” PVC but I found they had enough space to slosh food around and out onto the floor so I experimented and settled on a 2” 90 degree street elbow. Works great and zero feed waste. Now I just need to figure out a better...
  20. kie4

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thanks @AnneInTheBurbs, have you had a hip or joint problem in your flock? I’ll give her time in isolation with food and water and see if she gets better.
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