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  1. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    This sounds like a great opportunity to meet each other. Is there any firmer info on the dates? I have to put in for days off pretty early. I only found out about last Jan's farm show the week of, so couldn't get time off. I'm just a small (4) flock keeper, but I have so many questions, and...
  2. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    My Violet is exactly that...Blue Andalusian X Ameracauna. Her coloring is all BA, but she has a blue beard, pea comb and lays the palest cream egg. Since her recent molt, her colors have come in even bluer than before. She was more wheaten/blue before and now she's very blue with darker blue and...
  3. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Seriously?!?! 276, that's TWO Hundred Seventy Six, posts since I last checked in!? Are other states' threads as chatty? Or are we the over achievers? Wow, we sure can talk! Gotta love us! mm
  4. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Dinner was great! Thankfully, we were eating at Mom & Dad's house and Mom was cooking the bird.....because my oven died. So much for the roasted sweet potatoes! I got white and purple sweets at the farmers' market, along with rainbow carrots, and green and purple cauliflower. Thought it would...
  5. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Holy POOP! I turned the computer off Thursday to go to dinner, then had to work yesterday, and today I have 20 PAGES to catch up on! Wow! We Pennsylvanians are a chatty bunch! mm
  6. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Is that New England, or North East PA?
  7. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    All I can say is "OUCH!" That's a whopper! This IS a nice turn for the possitive. LIFE is good. Congratz! mm
  8. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Years back we had some very stressful issues with our son and daughter , and during that time I learned two things: What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and God doesn't give us more than we can handle. We may not realize that we have the skill, talent, strength required to get through this...
  9. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!! Hi Rudy, This is a link to COOP, or Chicken Owners Outside Philadelphia, a site established by the woman I took "Backyard Chickens: 101" from at the local Adult School. On it is a page of references that are very useful for this (South Eastern PA) area. What it is...
  10. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Baym, I have four LF hens in a very similar coop, except mine doesn't have run space under the coop area. It has storage there instead. My girls do free range most of the day in our back yard, but on occasions like we just had with Sandy, I really wish the run size was bigger. It really becomes...
  11. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Don't forget the Mucinex (or other expectorant), and the purely physical benefits of hot tea, just for the melting effects. But the caffeine still works too. I put whole cloves or candied ginger in it too. Similarly, the capsasin in hot peppers melts congestion as well as working as a pain...
  12. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!! LittleMissPurdy, This is a link to what is fondly referred to as "Henderson's Handy Dandy Chicken Chart." I found it very useful....other than not picking up on the "prone to broodiness" thing.... But it does have a lot of useful info...
  13. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    LittleMissPurdy, I have a BO, and she is quite lovely....lots of personality, good layer...most of the time. The one thing I was not aware of (or didn't pay enough attention to before I ordered) is that BOs are rather prone to being broody, that is, she sits in the coop for up to 40 days at a...
  14. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Now, as my favorite tee-shirt slogan says: "English Major; You do the Math." Since I am just outside Philadelphia (by exactly one mile), I think I fall somewhere between 15 cases and 12 bottles. My question is this.....IS THAT PER CAPITA? mm
  15. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    wingstone, One of the vendors that advertises on BYC, (actually has a paper catalog), is Stromberg's. I think they only put out one a year, but it kind of reminds me of when I was a kid and the Sears' Christmas Catalog came in the mail....I sat and drooled over it, with a pad of paper and a...
  16. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I, evidently, am screwed. And I haven't gotten to the liquor store... mm
  17. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I am attempting to attach a pic from the day my girls arrived from The first one is the day they arrived in the mail. This is one of Violet, when she discovered the box in the storage space while I was cleaning one day. She thought it was the perfect place to lay her egg...
  18. maizy'smom

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    When my kids were little, the pediatrician always said, for diarrhea, use the BRAT diet; Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. Could be worth a try...? mm
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