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  1. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    The chickens I got from you have just started laying. I love the olive egg color, darker in person than I could get a good picture of. And the blue egg laying sex links have started also. Still waiting on the legbars to start laying. Just wanted to say Thank You!! I’m so excited to have some...
  2. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Where is a swap in Altoona? I would love to go. Will there be one next month? I tried googling and can’t find anything about them.
  3. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Sunbeam Xpress Heat is what I got. It has a button that will make it stay on. They have them at Walmart. It’s only 12” X 15”, so its not for very many chicks.
  4. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I have my new chicks in the living room next to a window. They are loving the sunlight coming in. I’m using the Heating Pad instead of a heat lamp and they really enjoy that. Can’t wait to get more
  5. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thank you!! They look so comfy under there. Do you have the hearing pad under or on top of the wire? And if it’s under how do you secure it. I did find the thread on here about it. Lots of great ideas, need to head to Walmart
  6. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thank you. I would very much be interested. I’m actually in Snow Shoe so depending on where you are I could maybe come to you?
  7. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Also, has anyone ever used a heating pad instead of a heat lamp for the brooder? I’d love to not use the heat lamp, with a coal stove our house is warm anyway and the chicks won’t need much warmth. But I’m nervous that the heating pad is also dangerous? What are everyone thoughts?
  8. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hi everyone! I haven’t been on in a long time. We had a raccoon get all our chickens last fall We decided to start fresh this spring. I’m looking for chicks. Legbar, Marans, Olive Egger And Ameracaunas not Easter Egger. I found someone but she’s a little over 2 hours from me. Anyone near State...
  9. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    We got some chicks from my daughters classroom today. I have too many chickens!!!! There are 11 4 week olds in my basement, 4 3 week old turkeys and now these 3 bantams. Ugh!! I need to stop collecting animals! Not to mention what's already out in the coop! Anyone have an idea of what we...
  10. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Lots of pictures today.. Here is a picture of our duck house. We made the nice door in the front but they hate the ramp so they just go in and out the back door. They do go in at night, thank goodness!! I was worried they wouldn't. We have had the chain link fence separating them from...
  11. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Rival chicken gangs in Boalsburg... LOL,1458871/
  12. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Finally got the 4 khaki Campbell ducks out of the house yesterday. Yes!! They were really stinking up the basement. We built them their own coop but they will share the run with the chickens. We put up a temporary fence between them and the chickens for now. Chickens are pretty much...
  13. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    OMG!! I wish you hadn't shared her facebook page and that I hadn't gone to it. Her birds are beautiful!!! I've added rabbits, ducks and turkeys already this year (plus 11 chicks but they don't count yet). Now I'm going to have to add some of those brahmas and legbars to my list. LOL
  14. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    That is the cutest thing ever!! Such a little guy to be crowing
  15. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Wondering about the soap your talking about. I have rosacea also, always looking for something that helps, because not much does.
  16. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    It was nice meeting you this weekend. Thanks so much for the pond!! I'm sure the ducks will love it, now just to get it in. Hopefully next weekend will be nice and we can get it done.
  17. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Anyone ever been to the auction at Belleville? If so, do you know when it starts? I've been to the farmers market but I didn't realize they had an animal auction there also. My husband wants to go. Not sure we should though, if he sees a good price on something who knows how much we will come...
  18. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I cannot wait to get my ducks into the coop and out of my basement, they stink!! I bought them from someone about 2 weeks ago, they were already 5 weeks old then. I wanted to quarantine them for at least 2 weeks just to be sure they weren't sick. I will never complain about chickens in the...
  19. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I might be interested in the pond if it's available, and if you aren't to far away. We just got ducks and we're trying to figure out what to do for them. This type of pond would be great!
  20. regcal966

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I got some Marans from her today, I resisted getting some from tractor supply until this week. Got 6 easter eggers today, and 5 marans. Love the little peeps in the house :)
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