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  1. speckledhen

    LG still air w/out turner

    Thank you. Skye is going on 3 years old and she is my most typey hen. She just was suddenly not herself and tonight, she is in a separate pen with a heatlamp on her. I have no idea if she'll even be alive tomorrow. Dusty and Smoky are nowhere near the quality of Skye, though, with Suede, they...
  2. speckledhen

    LG still air w/out turner

    I have two girls still laying, but sadly, Skye isn't doing well. Her molt seems to be getting the best of herand I may lose her. Fertility is on and off, too, so not sure I would be able to get enough for you to hatch.
  3. speckledhen

    LG still air w/out turner

    For still air, 102 at the top of the eggs, 40-50% humidity the first 18 days, then up to 65-70. I'm in GA like you and these work well here for humidity.
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