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  1. blackberri

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    Thanks for weighing in. You're right. She layed her first egg yesterday!
  2. blackberri

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    Th Thanks for the vote. She is the only white egg layer we have so we should have confirmation soon. We have an EE roo,a sex link, a barred rock,4 Swedish flowers. The jury is still out on a 3 month old adolescent. He is looking like the EE. We are having to exert will power to not add to our...
  3. blackberri

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    Well the picture didn't display. I was.hoping to get some opinions on the sex. We.hope she is a hen but will keep her either way because she is such a sweet chicken.
  4. blackberri

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    Here is Sammie or Sam. She or he is our 5 month old brown leghorn. We are new to BYC and are awaiting for our hens to start laying.
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