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  1. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    I was thinking Hindis and Buddhists should be included in there- as they are complicated with many "diety" like figures. The info about the susquehanna is very cool - thanks!!!! Oh I love that kind of stuff. Thanks for posting.
  2. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: Oh- you are so lucky! There are so many beautiful geologic sites along the east coast. My "dream vactaion" is to camp near the Bay of Fundy. Did you bf not know what pangea was? Make him watch discovery channel for a day
  3. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    How did you do that? I didn't write anything about matter and the universe
  4. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Thanks GrayDragon- I was going to attempt a reply, but got overwhelmed by all the animosity
  5. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: How about this notion: How about it's not an "either/or" proposition. Most of the major inventions and discoveries were made in various forms at various times all over the world. No one place "cornered the market" so to speak. Instead all over the world we built on each other's...
  6. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Well- the "non-pagans" sure liked the whole slavery thing. Enough to go to war over it. The Egyptians invented the ox-driven plow, and the thermometer. And paper. And black ink. And the sail.
  7. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: really? how so? (no I'm not trying to be a smart alek, I'm trying to figure out the logic here ) from some random site: While there remains speculation regarding how the ancient pyramids were constructed, it is obvious the Egyptians were the first to invent and employ organized labor...
  8. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Organized labor
  9. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: THAT is why I DON'T homeschool. Some of our friends here do- and it's all Christian-based. I spent 12 years in Catholic school- but we were taught true science. That's what inspired me to go into geology in the first place. But- I cannot, in good conscious, follow a curriculum that...
  10. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: I am in the southeast and there are a lot of fundamentalists who assume that a 'real' Christian can not believe in evolution. I certainly am a real Christian and have a strong love of science. It can be very frustrating to order science books for my children(we homeschool) and discover...
  11. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Yes Q9- I'd like to know more about this book too. I recently emailed a man that has a regular "column" (it's really ad space) in a local paper. He claimed that the Grand Canyon was only 7000 years old, and had some biblical explanation for saying so. Now, I am a geologist, and my area of...
  12. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Just for fun- (in the spirit of the Da Vinci Code ) It is written that Jesus said to Peter "You are the rock that my church will be built upon" (forgive my paraphrase) The vatican ( or is it the chapel or the basilica?) is actually built on top of St.Peter's tomb. I'm not sure if this is...
  13. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: Did you mean to say what you did say? "all the Baptist churches in the North (Cleveland, anyway) are all black churches." I disagree that evey Baptist church in Cleveland is all Black. I really disagree that every Baptist church in the North is all Black. Yeah- I just meant...
  14. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Speaking of the solstice- this is a really cool informative site: I love how traditions & stories that are strikingly similar evolved in different parts of the world. Even in more recent history- the stories of the slaves and some of the...
  15. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Oh I agree completely. Once in awhile I get lucky and they have linguist on NPR. Who ever thought it would be so fascinating? If that makes me a geek- so be it.
  16. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: Now I understand you and this is the sort of similarities that I find not only fascinating but encouraging. We could start a whole different thread on the similarites in different religions. Oh don't even get me started! I minored in Humanities/sociology. Could talk about this stuff...
  17. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Oh no- I'm not saying the saints are worshipped. I'm talking about how each saint has their own patronage. Say like how St.Francis of Asissi (my particular favorite) is the patron saint of animals, St.Jude is the patron saint of hopeless cases, St. Therese is always represented with roses...
  18. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Catholics churches, in my experience, do not have many similarities or aspects that Paganism has. But Holidays have taken many Pagan traditions. What about all the saints and their individual patronages? The word heathen is much older than when America was discovered. just using them as an...
  19. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Just for fun- courtesy of Mr. Neil Young: He came dancing across the water With his galleons and guns Looking for the new world In that palace in the sun On the shore lay Montezuma With his cocoa leaves and pearls In his halls, he often wandered With the secrets of the worlds And his subjects...
  20. Goose and Fig

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: Yes, but I'm pretty sure they referred to them as heathens as an excuse for their slaughter. (including the Aztecs) Heathens = non-believers, uncivilized, barbarians..... Some of the surronding tribes helped the Spanish take out the Aztecs because they weren't too thrilled with being...
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