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  1. boaz

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: Except I don't see anywhere in this thread that we are debating the existence of a supreme being/intelligent creator. We were talking about things invented by us mere mortals. And I still think that no one group has ever "cornered the market" on creativity and inventiveness. Genius...
  2. boaz

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: In my enthusiam to post, I dropped in between the wrong quote tags. It would be possible to alter another's post here, sorry!
  3. boaz

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: How about this notion: How about it's not an "either/or" proposition. Most of the major inventions and discoveries were made in various forms at various times all over the world. No one place "cornered the market" so to speak. Instead all over the world we built on each other's...
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