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  1. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    I think most Christians and Moslems regard Hindus as pagans. Most of the Hindus that I know regard themselves as monotheistic, with God having many incarnations.
  2. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

  3. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Writing: came about in many pagan cultures over time domestication of the Chicken!!!!!
  4. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

  5. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Not to start a religious war but at the same time the Aztecs were offering sacrifices to their gods, Christians in Europe were putting thousands of non-believers to torture and death. Witch burnings in Europe reached the hundreds of thousands. When you start comparing killings for religous...
  6. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Stonehenge also required organized labor and shipping stone a fair distance. The anceint Egytians and Chinese had well-developed bureaucracies, and the Chinese system was merit based, with civil service exams. Calendars of many different types were invented by pagans of all sorts, and so was...
  7. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Actually, the Renaissance was the when science really took off in Europe. It was a revival of art, culture and science, lost during the middle ages. It was based on the pagan ideas of Rome and Greece, and preserved largely by the Eastern Church and Islam. Arguable, science was more advanced...
  8. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    First European exporers to American: pre-Christian Norsemen Fireworks: Chinese folk, long ago
  9. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    post and lintle construction, architecture in general art
  10. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Agriculture: who knows, but it predates monotheistic religions by several millenia pardon my spelling......too lazy to look it up
  11. mom'sfolly

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Roots of western culture: Greeks and Romans, who were polytheistic pagans
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