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  1. bunnibird55

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I haven't been on this site in quite a while, but I just want to update how superb my Buckeyes are doing, especially in this terrible arctic cold we are having in NW Ohio. I got some eggs from Chris almost two years ago and have been working with breeding lines trying to get an idea of what is...
  2. bunnibird55

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    These little Buckeyes are hatching out so quick and easy! I look into the bator to see a little pip - an hour later I look to see how the egg is doing and voila'! It is already hatched and the baby is up and running around! Soon as they all get done I will get pix!
  3. bunnibird55

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    The shipped Buckeye eggs from Chris have gone into lockdown late Thursday night and as of this morning on day 20 three out of 10 are pipping! He packed them really well and USPS was very careful with them and they got here with no problems and now they are hatching!!!! Yipppeeeee! If you want to...
  4. bunnibird55

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Thanks Knittychickadee - I see yours have some much bigger far I don't see any like that on my chicks. Hmmmm, I will try to get some pix when I get home from work tonight and see what you think!
  5. bunnibird55

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Ok so wider is the same as higher in other breeds? How about it, are the boys a little more aggressive as babies? I have a couple that come running over as soon as I put my hands down into the brooder - by the width of their combs - much bigger than some of the others - do you think those are...
  6. bunnibird55

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Ok all you Buckeye owners - I have some three week old Buckeye chicks - is there any way of guessing a bit more accurately as to the sex of these little babies? I am used to seeing combs on my NH chicks and I now realize - there are no combs to speak of to use to pick out the boys! How about...
  7. bunnibird55

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I too have my first Buckeye chicks - hatched 2 days ago. They are precocious little stinkers! They already recognize my hand in the brooder as a good thing and come running over. The oldest one just plain hops into my hand when I hold it down into the brooder! So, when do their combs start...
  8. bunnibird55

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Chris sorry to hear about your loss of Buck - putting down furry or feathered friends can be real hard. Now on to the questions for everyone - I just bought 2 dozen Buckeye eggs from Johnson Farms (I set them tonight in my bator) who had gotten his starts from Laura Hagety (sp) from KY. Anyone...
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