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  1. serinat

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Really enjoying my Buckeyes! They are so docile and friendly. I have been feeding them turkey poult starter/grower (locally grown and produced and 28% protein) and they are doing very well. And GUESS WHAT?! I saw two or three of them roosting the other day, so there's hope that they won't sleep...
  2. serinat

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: I wasn't going to say it first (and I mean this in the nicest possible way!), but they do seem rather...slow. LOL. I find it charming, endearing, and a little puzzling to see juveniles so big not roosting. The lowest roost in their chicken tractor is not even a foot off the ground! They...
  3. serinat

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Woot! I finally got me some Buckeyes! Here's a (poor) picture of my eight juveniles from our own Buckeye Dave: So these guys don't like to roost. They haven't even tried to jump up to play on the roosts. My other chicks/juveniles have always started sparring on the roosts at a young age. Are...
  4. serinat

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Yeah, I'm leaning toward chicks. Unless someone has eggs within 2 hours or less of southwest Michigan? (ETA: So I can drive and pick them up, that is.) And who has chicks available right now? Dave's into June/July...
  5. serinat

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Okay, my incubator's finally free for me to hatch some Buckeyes! I'd rather use a broody hen, but I have had NOT ONE BROODY this year (had three last year!), so I'm giving up on them. Question: Given the choice, would you rather start your Buckeye flock from chicks or eggs? And why? (I have...
  6. serinat

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Hello! Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I've been working through this thread for weeks. Skipped a few dozen in the middle and finally got to the end! I've been raising chickens for a couple of years now, and I've been researching heritage breeds as I enjoy my mostly Buff Orpington...
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