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  1. Enchanted Sunrise Farms


    Hey, but you made me think . . . i wonder if i could stick a hose down one of their tunnels and water blast them out? i would have to be prepared to seal up all the entry areas immediately after that. But it might get them out of there.
  2. Enchanted Sunrise Farms


    Hey, great ideas! Although i was hoping to get rid of the rats and keep my coop and chickens.
  3. Enchanted Sunrise Farms


    Arg! Another huge tunnel into that pen this morning. Threw another bait bar down it and then filled it in. i think i'm using napalm next.
  4. Enchanted Sunrise Farms


    Oh good, the stuff i used was Tomcat block baits, which contain Bromadiolone. This is also what we used under our house last winter when we had a terribly destructive herd of rats living there. We tossed a bunch of the bars and packets down, heard activity for one more night, and then nothing...
  5. Enchanted Sunrise Farms


    i had no activity for a couple days, then went out yesterday morning and found two more huge holes. i could kick myself repeatedly for not putting that playhouse on a paver foundation. That mistake in the first place is now costing me a ton of work, and then more down the line when i have to...
  6. Enchanted Sunrise Farms


    Oh, i'm sorry shelleyd2008, that must have been terrible to find. i meant to throw poison down the recently dug hole earlier, but just got to it now. i pulled the paver off the top and the hole was even bigger. They had clearly been working on burrowing out from under that paver. So i...
  7. Enchanted Sunrise Farms


    Quote: Or better yet, maybe i could hire you to come and shoot them with your pellet gun when they pop out at night.
  8. Enchanted Sunrise Farms


    i wonder if i should just stick a packet of poison down their recent tunnel. i haven't backfilled it in yet. i just put a paver over top of it.
  9. Enchanted Sunrise Farms


    i don't think they are gopher holes. New ones keep appearing and only into that pen. And it doesn't make sense. All they have to do is go out the other side and climb up the pen. i haven't secured the top yet with hardware cloth as i'm still working on the pvc roofing. There is just aviary...
  10. Enchanted Sunrise Farms


    i know we have big rats outside, that's a given. But only having problems in one pen. We have a playhouse coop there, which i had wanted to have placed on a foundation of pavers. My shed mover dude insisted it's better to set it on posts, so air circulation can get underneath. Well, guess...
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