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  1. speckledhen

    Gingerbread Chickens

    Definitely not Snickerdoodles. These are very brown. Wish I'd paid more attention to her making them rather than just eating them!
  2. speckledhen

    Gingerbread Chickens

    I don't think so, but it's been many years since she made them, since she's been gone ten and before that, had Alzheimers for a couple years. I'll have to see if Dad will try to go through her recipes for me. I keep asking and he keeps forgetting.
  3. speckledhen

    Gingerbread Chickens

    I don't recall a strong molasses taste, but I'm sure there was lots of brown sugar involved. The were fairly thin and quite chewy, is all I remember. Hope my dad can find the recipe for me.
  4. speckledhen

    Gingerbread Chickens

    Those look awesome, MissP. My mother had a recipe that wasn't gingerbread, but made cookies that looked like that that she cut into animal shapes. They were very chewy in the middle and hard on the edges and I have no idea what they were called, though; she's been dead ten years and my dad is 88...
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