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  1. BantyRooster

    Coop floor / bedding

    Quote: Have you ever seen what chickens do to cardboard? Not a good idea to put it in the coop. They will scrath down to it eventually, especially if confinded to the coop for an extended period, and then they will eat it. With vinyl flooring securely attatched you can use a plastic snow...
  2. BantyRooster

    Coop floor / bedding

    I think you will be much happier with vinyl. Hint: dont glue it down. Secure the edges with lath strips and screws, That makes changing it down the road so much easier. Good luck with your project and have fun with your chickens. Mike
  3. BantyRooster

    Coop floor / bedding

    Hay provide little, if any, insulation, as it is not hollow like straw. The ceder is definately not a good idea. The oil in the cedar chips in an irritant to the bird's eyes and respiratory tract. I'm not going to try to convince you of anything. That's your decision. They're your bids...
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