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  1. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    You will find some very nice established breeders who are kind in their comments. Wynette is one of the best and gave you some great advice. Don't worry about your birds put pics on for us. If you want to see a mess go back a few months and look at what I was sold. Sadly I trusted someone on...
  2. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Well I'm sad to say I lost my last JG pullet. She wasn't in the barn Tuesday night when I closed up. The kids and I looked all over With flashlights with no luck. I was hoping she would be out when I turned everyone out Wensday morning to eat, but no luck. I did fond her remains in the woods...
  3. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Check North West Georgia and the Atlanta area on Craigs list. I belive there is some one there who has Blue. If you cant find them let me know and I will look them up.
  4. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    What part of GA are you going through?
  5. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Here are my babies I have been waiting for ever for. They are 2 weeks except for one black pullet I got at feed store There is quite a bit of difference in its size and the others and they are 2 weeks younger. They are black, blue and one splash. There are also 2 that are JG/RIR cross. I got...
  6. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I got one... The feed store had Black Jersey Giants. I will be getting my blue in a few weeks.
  7. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    The Feed store has Jersey Giants in today? I realize they are just hatchery quality. There were black and yellow mixed chicks and solid yellow chicks. What will the yellow chicks grow up into?
  8. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    That is exciting I should get mine at the end of the month.
  9. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I ordered 5 Jersey Giant chicks and the eggs went into the brooder yesterday. I stuck with the blue since there was issues with the "lavender". He does sell lavender Orps...
  10. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Congrats!!! Now where is the pictures?
  11. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Funny that you say that. I have 2 EE Roos and a Brown Leghorn who is the Alpha. The EE are big babies. The leghorn is friendly, but doesn't want to be held like the other two, but he sure tries to get his huge head in the food cup for a bite. They were raised together and I got them when they...
  12. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Are you mean roosters Australorps of Jersey Giants? I don't worry about them coming at me. Its my kids 11 & 8. I don't want them coming at them. I was going to work at a office down town (where someone has set out a few roosters that have now became the town icon) One of those boogers...
  13. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    How interesting. I'll have to get one to see the diference in it and the blue. I have Brown Leghorns, Easter Eggers, Wyandottes, Australorps, Polish, Silkies, and a couple of Banties. The Silkies and Banties are just chicks now and I realize I may have to keep them separate from the LF flock...
  14. K Epp

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion I think I must have some JG's. I have found a breeder who has black, blue, white, splash, and lavender. I'm leaning to the blue. What are the genteics on breeding them? Do 2 blue five you blue and black? How about the lavender? Does anyone have some pictures of lavender and splash they...
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