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  1. fowlman01

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    The ABA National is going to be in Stockton CA The last weekend in January (3500-4000 birds or so) and he APA has had their National show here several times. The CA State Fair is in an air conditioned building. There are several large shows in Calif .....from the south to the north. PM me if...
  2. fowlman01

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    If you belong to the APA they send out every year a Year Book. That has all the stats etc. You want to look for people that have all their points on JG's., if that is what you want to find. The exception to that would be the Grand master Exhibitors as they may have more than 100 points in more...
  3. fowlman01

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Congrats Wynette! those are some very good looking birds! Walt
  4. fowlman01

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Quote: As Wynette noted....wash them, but only if they need it. They should be washed about 4-5 days before the show, so that the feathers preen out right and the bird is totally dry. You will need to wash the feet and legs in any event, so do that a few days ahead and keep the birds in those...
  5. fowlman01

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Quote: It would be 1/2 point. You could win Best of Show with a bird showing an extra point even in a huge a huge show, if everything else was good. When judging it would be one of the last things I would be looking at. Walt
  6. fowlman01

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    [email protected] : HI im in 4-H and I was wondering if at the fair and other shows if I could show blue jersey giaants because they are not a reconized color for the breed because im setting up a new pen for a new breed for breeding and im really leaning towards getting some jersey giants...
  7. fowlman01

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Quote: But, if they are yellow underneath, on the bottoms of the feet, it does seem to make sense that if something is added to the feed to "improve" the yellow, that it could "extend" what is already there & yellow, yes? I don't think it would cause the yellow color to appear where it was...
  8. fowlman01

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Quote: Thank you for the clarification, Walt. That is what I thought. I have another question for you. About the "Splash," variety.... I can't remember where I read or heard this, but is it true that the splash variety is not accepted in any breed? Something about it being so variable that...
  9. fowlman01

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Quote: Here is an old picture of one I culled....... This is a picture on this thread from The Tinman (7-26-2010)...
  10. fowlman01

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Quote: I have seen the yellow go up the leg. (ALL the Sandhills birds I had were culled for this last year). I cull for this, as the standard calls for the yellow to be only on the underpart of the feet. I asked a judge about this. Now I forgot what he said. Kathy, it's a good question -...
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