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  1. DK newbie

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    Ideas are one thing I always have :D The cage in the attached picture is 2x6 ft. It's build to fit 3 2x2 ft garden trays exactly so they can be pulled out at the front of the cage for cleaning (or egg collection, for that matter). The cage houses 3 lovebirds and 5 button quail roos. It doesn't...
  2. DK newbie

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    Unless you can keep the cages in a place that is 100 % predator free (including rats), I'd replace the chicken wire with hardware cloth. It will be no issue at all for rats, skunks, snakes, raccoons and so on to get to the birds through the chicken wire. With regards to the door, usually people...
  3. DK newbie

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    If you have an old piece of furniture, it's often pretty easy to convert such into a button cage.. If you are a little handy, you can also build it yourself completely.
  4. DK newbie

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    After reading the last few posts in this thread, I wouldn't dare go much deeper than 2 inches or so. Of course the risk of them running right into it and drowning isn't that big if we are talking a 1x2 ft pond in an aviary that big, but it wouldn't make much sense to make a 1x2 ft pond 6 inches...
  5. DK newbie

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    Wow. That's a lot of drowned birds, very quickly. I'd think they had some kind of instinct telling them not to run straight into the water - it's not like Japan is a desert, there actually is water there. But maybe the quail just live in areas without large bodies of water? Or maybe that is one...
  6. DK newbie

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    We are talking adult birds here, right? It's not an issue I've heard of with adults, but I can't recall anyone having water features larger than an exo terra fountain either.. How many birds did you have and how many drowned? And how quickly? I'd actually considered an aviary with a water...
  7. DK newbie

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    Those are the rodent type of water bottles, right? The quail have no issues using those?
  8. DK newbie

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    I love that! It's very.. Whimsical. A coop on a coop on a coop or something? Looks like the family has grown since the original coop was built ^^
  9. DK newbie

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    How about large concrete tiles for the floor? Less permanent than actual concrete, though it may be some work as it seems you have a rather large enclosure. And you can just skip the spot where the trees are and keep the gravel there. Around here, you can usually get concrete tiles for free when...
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