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  1. aldren90

    Hybrid Pheasants

    It's not necessarily exclusive to byc it's just a general description of what can typically happen anywhere at anytime. I'm not trying to be rude at all. What you do with your birds is fine, and completely up to you I'm just disappointed that people see something, they like it, try to do it...
  2. aldren90

    Hybrid Pheasants

    As long as you don't intend on selling them as pure or market that they can be mixed with pure its not as bad but still is frowned upon, but if the birds you raise are specifically for your own pleasure and not sold/given/received by anyone else I don't see a problem with it , up until you try...
  3. aldren90

    Hybrid Pheasants

    Some birds are just color mutations not necessarily hybrids or mixes or crosses. My thinking behind the whole mixing pure with impure or pure with and different kind of pure is that they wouldn't have been created in the first place ( by God or whoever you believe in ), if they couldn't survive...
  4. aldren90

    Hybrid Pheasants

    A major problem with people this day and age is the try to pass off mixed birds as pure and then someone innocently buys the impure birds and mixes it with something and then they sell it claiming its a pure. This is what I have seen recently and am appalled by it. This is how all of our...
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