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  1. Bweis13

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Wolftracks, my roo has very long legs for a Japanese, so I don't think this breeder has SQ stock. We don't show, and we wanted a gentle rooster. He sure is that! He's clucking to our pullets and showing them where the goodies are. He's so cute!
  2. Bweis13

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Here's one that's a little better, but he still wasn't even crowing at this point. (He was just starting the strangling sound. :)) I really DO need to update my pics now that the ground isn't frozen!
  3. Bweis13

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    I am not sure if you can see this little buff roo very well, but I had some broody hens and got the egg he came from off eBay. He's adorable. I was surprised at how nice looking the birds ended up being. He's pretty young here and hasn't filled out. I need to update my pics.
  4. Bweis13

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    My favorite bird of all time was a black tailed buff Japanese that would go to sleep in our arms.:love He was the sweetest roo I've ever seen. Years ago, we got a black Japanese roo and two hens that were show quality, and they were so scared of us that we haven't bothered with any more show...
  5. Bweis13

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Show quality or not, they're adorable, and you look like you have the beautiful gardens to show them off! I personally choose chickens for personality and egg production, so I don't care if they're SQ or not. Yours are really cute.
  6. Bweis13

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    I would trust what CarolinaHen says. I'm definitely no expert. I've just never seen one that looked like the bottom roo, and I've looked at LOTS of Japanese. He looks like a cross between my bb red and a Japanese, but if you're only crossing your own birds that you know to be Japanese, then...
  7. Bweis13

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    The top one looks like it's part buff black tailed Japanese, but they both look like they're mixed with something other than Japanese to me.
  8. Bweis13

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Lol! Who would have thought chickens could seem so poetic? :lau
  9. Bweis13

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Thank you so much! I look forward to watching her raise her own babies, though she's been an amazing mom to her adopted ones as well. I always got a kick out of it when she raised full sized chickens and here she was, smaller than they were, clucking to tell them something was good to eat! So...
  10. Bweis13

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Hi, I have a Japanese bantam hen who is about 7, and we now have a Japanese roo who was born in early August. Will my hen's eggs be fertile and viable if I let her set if she gets broody this summer? I'm worried about her age, and we haven't ever had a roo for her. I'm so clueless about this...
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