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  1. Rin

    Growing Chicken Feed?

    My birds would also get a few rats tossed their way from time to time. I currently keep ball pythons and one of them has problems with identifying F/T rats making it so I have to heat them up every time. Every now and then I accidentally cook them. Making them unusable to a snake - but a tasty...
  2. Rin

    Growing Chicken Feed?

    Quote: Oh wow! That website you linked is wonderful, too. Thank you so very much! 8D
  3. Rin

    Growing Chicken Feed?

    Quote: That looks /very/ promising. Thank you! and of course not, chickens are omnivores. One thing would never make a complete diet, just like it would never be complete for a human to eat nothing but corn all the time. Just corn, nothing on it...
  4. Rin

    Growing Chicken Feed?

    Quote: But do you give them this and no store bought chicken feed? I'm interested in the idea too, but I think protein is an important ingredient. Glad to see I'm not the only one interested in this XD and hmm. It sounds like it might be? In fact, some of the greens mentioned like kale...
  5. Rin

    Growing Chicken Feed?

    I guess not...
  6. Rin

    Growing Chicken Feed?

    Does anyone here grow their own chicken feed? If so, what do you plant for them and when and where do you live(climate)? I live in central Florida and would prefer to grow my own chicken feed if possible. I want to be self-reliant, it's not so much an issue of money as I prefer to grow it myself...
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