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  1. chickensval


    WOW. I haven't been on in a while but I know it's Easter and I've ended up getting new chicks every time i go to the feed store for more food! I also have 5 baby turkeys! :) But I'm STILL looking for some baby silkie chicks so please PM me if you have any or know who might have some.. Thanks...
  2. chickensval


    I'm out in grand bay... By the Tillman's corner area .
  3. chickensval


    Could we make it 30 for the pair? Or maybe I could just get one, and how much could I pay for just one? @kimberly35042
  4. chickensval


    Do you still have any of the chicks left? I've been looking for some silkies a while now, I might just get one or two Chickie's :) I hope you have some left, I'm excited !! :D
  5. chickensval


    I'm curious if it is contagious...? A few of my sligle combs are having something like that, just not as bad though. I didn't notice it yesterday, though. How exactly do they get fowlpox?
  6. chickensval


    Thanks, ive been putting neosporin on it, hope it helps:/ Someone else told me it is something called 'fowl pox' any idea what this is??
  7. chickensval


    Anyone know what this is??? I noticed it on a few of my chickens combs and I don't know what it is or if I should be worried, if anyone does know what it is, pleas PM me, as I'm not on much and font really go down the thread much either
  8. chickensval


    Where exactly are you from? I'm in the grand bay area... He looks like a black australorp ... I have two Australorp hens and I'm looking for someone who can 'get his business done' if you know what I mean ;)
  9. chickensval


    Lol, where are you located ? Mine lay green and blue eggs.
  10. chickensval


    I have two easter eggers!! The babies probably won't be pur ebred though, I have one white leghorn rooster and one Dominique rooster in the same coop as her. I'm in Grand bay.
  11. chickensval


    Lol, I'm located out by the grand bay, Tillman's corner area. Where are you from?
  12. chickensval


    I was wondering if anyone wants some Rouen ducks, I have one female pullet and 2 ducklings, one male and one female. I also have some ringnecked pheasants in the incubator along with a few more rouen ducks. I will trade them for any kind of hatching eggs obo.
  13. chickensval


    How much ? I've actually been looking for a silkie and I just started a little waterfowl flock. :D
  14. chickensval


    I'm so sorry.. Why did you rehome them? :'( It must really suck, but at least you know they're somewhere where they will be loved and enjoyed.
  15. chickensval


    I currently am. I just put a kiddie pool in the run that the ducks play in & one of my hens gets in there to cool off.. :/ its pretty odd, I know
  16. chickensval


    I cold give ya some duckling for them ;)
  17. chickensval


    Is there anyone out there who can help me with ideas on a goose coop & run?
  18. chickensval


    One of my coops is just a stall in the horse stables that I put dog wire over the top sides . the stall is fairly large and the stables are all roofed. I put a book shelf in the stall and added pieces of wood going upwards to make nesting boxes. I also put two dog houses in it that one of my...
  19. chickensval


  20. chickensval


    If you spread the vent open, you will see a penis if its a boy, they are usually tiny and curved. Lol Girls won't have one of course! Hope I could help!
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