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  1. G


    I I was using standard Tucker in the green and white bag. I had a lot of trouble with paper thin shells that broke from the hens stepping on them. Went to Dumore and the shells are now rock hard.
  2. G


    Dumbledore has found a new home with a local family of chicken lovers.
  3. G


    OMG Greg -- he is GORGEOUS!!!! Stop it!!! He actually look chocolate if that is possible. lol He really is a looker! I just hope I can find him a new home soon!
  4. G


    I have a purebred imported strain English Blue Orpington rooster who is about 26 weeks old and he needs a new home. He is a gorgeous bird and he takes care of his ladies in every way. Free to a good home with other chickens. Add some significant new genetics to your flock! This is no...
  5. G


    Any idea what the predator is??
  6. G


    Nope! I live in UCLA (Upper Corner of Lower Alabama) That's near Auburn. No snow so far but 38 and cloudy today.
  7. G


    The best solution to possums is a Duke Dog Proof trap filled with cheap canned cat food. Follow this up with a .22 pistol. Works every time! If gun noise is an issue, silencers are allowed in Alabama. Just make sure it's properly registered.
  8. G


    Well now that I've gotten my herd thinned down to one Blue Orpington hen and one roo (instead of 7 roos!) plus an Australorp hen, I have 15 Barred Rock hens coming from Cackle Hatchery. With 15 little peepers in house I'll be really busy for a while! Hope it starts warming up soon!!
  9. G


    Hi fellow chick-a-holics! I'm looking for 4 or 5 hens and live midway between Atlanta and Montgomery Al. Near Auburn. I prefer Orpingtons or Barred Rocks. Looking for pullets, not chicks. I'm not wanting to ship due to the cold weather. Any good advice? Greg
  10. G


    Don't forget traps and a 12 gauge shotgun! Use all avenues of defense.
  11. G


    I'm finally down to 3 chickens! I had 7 Blue Oprington roos and one pullet. I re-homed 6 of the roos and a lady gave me a Black Australorp. Things are much less crowded and my feed bill dropped sharply. The remaining roo, Dumbledore, is turning out to be a great rooster and turning...
  12. G


    Quote: m having a whooole lotta boys too. And they're fighting too. Chest bumping, jumping on top of each other, dragging each other around by the comb. Feisty bunch I've got AT LEAST 6 definite boys, big red combs and attitudes to match" I feel your pain!! I got 8 Blue Orpington peepers...
  13. G


    "I guess he wants to marinate them and hatch them at the same time." LOL!!
  14. G


    "The scovies have moved into the dog yard.. the dogs like to eat their food, and they're not happy the ducks bathe in their water bowl but they get along. The ducks have moved into their dog house (there's two, one big wooden one and a Dogloo.. the ducks decided they liked the wooden one best...
  15. G


    I am in the Lanett, Valley (AL) and West Point (GA) area, right on the AL/GA border where I-85 crosses the state line. I'm about 30 miles NE of Auburn. I have four pure bred English Blue Orpington roosters I want to re-home. These are "large breed fowl" birds and are 18 weeks old. They are...
  16. G


    I found out today my Blue Orps love left over egg salad!
  17. G


    I compost large amounts of yard stuff like leaves and grass clippings. I plan to shovel it all out and into the garden in the spring. The Blorps do a great job of turning it over and helping it decompose by adding large amounts of nitrogen.
  18. G


    I have lots of leaves and pine needles all over right now. I just rake up a pile and dump it in the run where the mud is. I keep doing this, they keep rototilling everything. Mother nature works on the leaves and the poop and in the spring I have a ton of great compost. I shovel it out and...
  19. G


    Carter Critters - what a darling picture!!
  20. G


    Nuttin' better than a big ol' pot of turkey vegetable soup!!
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