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  1. groleau6


    We increased our flock by 2. Now we have 7, 6 of which our girls. Our rooster certainly does not seem to mind. I am hoping to increase by another 6 girls but talking my hubby into it might be interesting.
  2. groleau6


    I wouldn't mind a mutt or two wisher :)
  3. groleau6


    We got our second egg today. I am happy to report the cat did not get it The heat lamp we put in the coop plus a few warm days seems to have made it a good laying time again for us.
  4. groleau6


    My friend got a dozen yesterday! I was so jealous, I think I was green with envy the whole way home haha. I thought the sudden cold chill may have something to do with it, it came out of no where compared to last year. We did put a light in our box, though it kind of looks creepy at night, the...
  5. groleau6


    We have only had 1 egg this week. Once a girl starts laying how long does it take to for them to get regularly laying? At this point my husband is talking starting over with pullets so we can have some eggs coming in. A friend has been awesome about giving us his excess eggs, but hubby is...
  6. groleau6


    I have never heard of that before, but I am sure my boys will love trying to do that! That has to be one of the coolest things I have ever seen
  7. groleau6


    We got our first egg tonight! The poor thing lasted only about 10 minutes in our house due to a very nosey cat pushing it off the drying rack, but never the less--we FINALLY got one. I did notice though that the shell was pretty weak. I know oyster shells are supposed to make them stronger but I...
  8. groleau6


    I am so sorry you lost a girl. It's weird to think, hey they are just farm animals, but in a way, they become friends and family. My little girl lost one a few months back and she still cries every once and awhile because it bothers her she lost Teeny. Now she feels like a farming failure...
  9. groleau6


    My RIR roo hasn't had any issues with the climate. The only issue he has is my dog trying to keep licking his legs. I don't know what it is about my dog, but he likes to like only my rooster's legs. He leaves my hens and ducks alone.
  10. groleau6


    I chicken watch constantly. I even moved my coop so I could see them out my side windows. I get to do my dishes and chicken watch, so it's not that big of a chore. haha My kids are guilty of constant chicken watching too. It's weird to say in this day and time, but my kids would rather watch the...
  11. groleau6


    ooh I wish I had more room!
  12. groleau6


    I suppose that is both a blessing and a curse. He wants to teach you more and make sure it's done well, but you don't get to do the building. Of course, that kind of insures that your stuff doesn't look like ours. My daughter (age 7) built our coop out of pallets with her dad. He let her design...
  13. groleau6


    I am horrible about checking too. I check at least 3 times a day, when I check their water supply.
  14. groleau6


    I have 5 female RIRs, 2 ducks--not sure what they are (other than Christmas Dinner), and a rooster. Waiting on eggs is a sure fire way to answer that age old question of which came first. It was no doubt the chicken, because the eggs take sooooooo long
  15. groleau6


    Random question/poll. Those of you that got chickens from Chick Days have you gotten eggs yet? I am feeling like the WORST chicken lady in the world because I am still egg free. My mother has gotten some eggs already and she got her chicks a few weeks after me....
  16. groleau6


    My daughter is convinced my hens are never going to lay. We got them at this year's chick days, the very first week they had chickens and we still haven't got a single egg from them and my one died trying to lay. So now my daughter is certain no eggs for us--forever!! (she even said it like in...
  17. groleau6


    My girls don't do tomato worms either, but they LOVE their millipeads and my roo loves the water roaches that climbs the tree by their coop. If he sees one he hollers right by the door until I let him out if it's closed.
  18. groleau6


    We watched a youtube video of an egg bound hen and it was a ringer for Teeny's behavior yesterday. Now I know the signs and someone in the egg layer forum told me something that works for her most times if it happens, so between knowing the walk and trying her advice I should be able to fix it...
  19. groleau6


    Tomtom I am close to you, I am in Montevallo too. We however put her to rest in fire. There are too many stray dogs in my neighborhood. She was egg bound. I didn't even have to vent check her, I could see it. I probably could have done it myself, but my daughter may not have let me. She has...
  20. groleau6


    I asked that in the egg laying forum, but so far I haven't got a reply. Either way my 7 year old is heart broke.
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