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  1. lydiaharmon

    Java Thread

    I think I'll get rid of them in some way. I don't feel like I have the ability to do a good job with such a rare breed at this time, and don't want to do the breed an injustice with my inexperience. I'm gonna try my hand at common breeds before I try to launch into a rare breed.
  2. lydiaharmon

    Java Thread

    Thanks for your insight. I got them from a lady that just bought them to sell. She didn't breed them herself, and I have no idea where she got them. I had no idea how rare they were until after I bought them. Since I'm so new to keeping chickens period, they make me nervous to even own, because...
  3. lydiaharmon

    Java Thread

    Does anyone have Auburn Javas or breed them? I bought a rooster, and 2 pullets from a lady I know. One pullet ended up being a rooster, and now I only have the one hen. They're all around 8 months old. The roosters have really pretty coloring, but I don't think the hen does, and she has a...
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