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  1. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !! This is a great site for both you and Sara. There is a TON of information and support! Erin
  2. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I'm so sorry about Ken. Can he take antiinflammatories? Ibuprofen is the BOMB when you add it to Vicodin... As far as Sara, if she has carcinoma in situ, then she can probably have a LEEP, and then have babies. Even a cone biopsy or trachelectomy (removal of the cervix) will allow her to...
  3. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Deb, My suggestion for Sara is to get a calendar and write all her appointments down. Take a notebook to every appointment and write everything down. Between appointments write down all her questions so she can remember them when it is time, and forget them when it is not. She also needs to...
  4. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    DEB-- Please email me ANY TIME if you have questions about cervical cancer. I just did that whole thing last year- radical hysterectomy, chemo, radiation, etc. BLECH. Tell Sara I care and she can email me also at any time. I want to suggest the National Cervical Cancer Alliance as a...
  5. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I've been so busy LIVING, I haven't been here to check how everyone is! Finished radiation and chemo, healing up pretty well AND... today was my first day back to work! It went well, I'm so glad to be getting back to "normal". I'll have checkups every 3 months, with paps, for the first year...
  6. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Finished Chemotherapy today. Last radiation is tomorrow. Hallelujah! I have one internal high dose radiation treatment up in Seattle on the 13th, and then I AM DONE!! All the frequent checks will no doubt keep me nervous this first year or so, but I am so glad to be done with this rough...
  7. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Awww, Baby! Love the baby! Good genes Deerman! Glad you enjoyed your vacation, too! CONGRATULATIONS, Luna, on your retirement! For me- Chemo #4 / 6 done yesterday, 10 radiation treatments left. Totally do-able. Done date except for one internal high dose radiation is JUNE 30- looking forward...
  8. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    This is the week things turn around! Chemo was reduced yesterday. Slight nausea, some sores on my head, sinus headache. Know what? I FEEL PRETTY GOOD TODAY!! Tomorrow I may even go to the garden store... LOVE YOU ALL!!!
  9. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Thank you all for allowing my brief pity party. Better today, getting a port put in for hydration~ can't seem to drink enough. Also some friends are going to be in the area from southern Ca. They'll try to stop by also- that'd make my month just about! Sad about the bird, but in the grand...
  10. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Lost a bird today, who knows what to. She'd been acting broody off and on, but getting up to eat and drink and poop, so, who knows. Feeling down today anyway today. one more bummer to chalk up to the day I guess. Erin
  11. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Coyote- Happy Birthday, and many many more! thank you for your wonderful spirit of love and encouragement you bring to all of us here. BTW- you lurkers are great too! keep popping in, we love the insight!
  12. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    probably have an easier time getting the natural stuff. Has anyone here had to resort to it that you know of?
  13. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I can't tolerate compazine or phenergan in IV form, so they won't let me have it by mouth. My pity complaint is nothing sits right in my stomach! I just want a little food but it feels like rocks. I'm so glad you're all here for me! I love you all.
  14. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Friday night went to the ER for fluids and anti-nausea meds. can't stop the nausea, and my low back hurts like crazy. Saturday sent me into a tailspin, barely made it through DD's family Bday party from the awful smell of bbq. They put me on steroids, different anti-nausea, More anti-nausea...
  15. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    @ Luna- I think you pushing the sun this way, and me pushing the rain that way might be the cause of all those tornadoes. Guess we should stop for a bit and see if it evens out @ jj- OUCH, feel better soon! @ Bt03: Thanks for joining us, hope we can be there for you! Trust me, if you...
  16. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Send some sun my way! Day 1 of chemo just finished, radiation day 2. I'll post tomorrow about how I'm doing. Take care, all!
  17. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Got my marching orders today! Radiation simulation on Monday. Therapy to follow 7-10 days later (goal is 23rd). Dr. thinks about 27 rad treatments total. Chemo weekly- Cisplatin - will start that on the 25th. Wednesdays are the only day DH has off consistently, so we scheduled chemo for...
  18. NurseELB about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Quote: Thank you, Luna! I like to think I have a good attitude By the way, it was the steroid that makes you jumpy. That junk tears me up. Looking forward to it! Carboplatin and Cisplatin are different, but not by too much. Thanks for the junk food pass, by the way I'm sure I should...
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