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  1. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Cindi you hang in there, know what you mean about all the meds, sometime feel like i just need a plate of pills for supper.
  2. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    sorry iwas in the hospital on IV then again, few days later again. not giving up on the fight.....even took the same chemo again today, because i know can't win without chemo, my bio can back on the panacea tumor its still colon cancer not a new cancer. three on the liver. hope the spot on...
  3. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    sorry to see all the bad last chemo put me down for a few days ,had to be put on IV. took the same chemo today we will see how i take it these weeks..
  4. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Sara, yes i don't worry about myself....and know i have to go some day. Like you i keep planning for my love ones after I'm gone. Plus spend a lot of time with them now. Like a friend of mine say. "Nobody getting out of this world alive" so i plan for when i'm it 1 or 20 years.
  5. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    well got the results from the bi-op of the tumor on my pancreas, was so glad to hear it is colon cancer. i knew the cancer on liver and other areas was colon cancer. at least i am only fighting one type of cancer. my fear was i would have to fight pancreas cancer at the same time. Been...
  6. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Sorry to hear about your brothers. Mine is also colon cancer. i have been fighting it for 5 year in May. There are a lot of treatments now for colon cancer , my friend has been fighting it for over 10 years. treatments for colon cancer , are not as hard as some other cancers. Not sure about...
  7. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    well been to both Doc, neither know yet by result of pet scan. if i have another type of cancer ,or just the colon cancer is spreading, pet scan showed it has double in some places, show up in a few new places. more test Friday see if its pancreas cancer...or just colon cancer...
  8. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Yes those are my grandkids. 4 girls 2,real tough boys. They think they are cage fighters.with me or their dad. Oldest boy takes after me...loves birds......i even let him hatch out eggs.
  9. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    sorry everyone ...just can't get the pic down right , can't even remove the double post or edit them.......
  10. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    broody .....glad that part is over for you.
  11. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    broody .....glad that part is over for you. my doc . set me up for a 2nd pet see if the growth on my pancreas is more of the colon cancer....or a 2nd disease like pancreas's cancer...go back on 17th and 20th..... still off all chemo,so liver and heal......i should be glad...but...
  12. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    my out surgery ...I end up in 4 days ...that did get the blockage open. been staying with my son ,recovering. off chemo see doc on the 8th my guess back on the chemo then. have a stop on my pancreas......little sore still.....just stop in to let everyone know im still here.
  13. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    thanks all, heck with this reason, it is what it is. thing moving fast this week, had blood work tuesday, results wednesday, MRI thursday ,results friday, appointment with new doc this coming monday. Can't say they are not trying their best. good news ,not alot of pain or...
  14. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    well just got a call, have a blockage between the liver and pancreas. waiting for another doc. to call today. to tryb and remove the blockage. maybe pancreas cancer, more test , we do know there was cancer on the lynotes in that area. . thanks for the support.........i'm really worried.....
  15. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Good news broody Had blood work yesterday.....liver results bad. Got call today. .doc got me. In today for MRI.....doesn't. Sound good. . .now setting here with son and dil. Watching 50/50 . . .show about cancer...... Waiting for results........
  16. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    got back from doc yesterday......looks like i will be able to take the Erbitux every other week....side effect RASH looks like acne....but she said that was good i had the rash, because those that get the rash ,are the ones getting the best results.......will see how well it works in March when...
  17. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Had my 2nd treatment of chemo infusion.......not sure i want to go thru this the rest of my life....i go back to the doc on the 4th me a few thinks about it.7
  18. deerman about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Coyote........I know you try to be strong, but its good to let it know you can't give have to many love ones to spend time with. not like you to want to give up....yes its hard and your battle has been a hard one, just know you have so many here pulling for you, plus...
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