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  1. Davaroo

    Egg retrieving Dog??

    Quote: And she does look like a very nice dog. Oh but I see the mischeif in her eyes She looks like my Pit Bull young un...don't turn your back on a pair of work gloves!! Agreed. They are only dogs - its unfair to them to expect more.
  2. Davaroo

    Egg retrieving Dog??

    Quote: And she does look like a very nice dog.
  3. Davaroo

    Egg retrieving Dog??

    Quote: I've had "really good dogs," too. Believing they were was my first mistake Do what you want, but dogs are animals and cant help that. They depend on us to be smarter than they. I urge you to give her something else to do, and it sounds like you've drawn the same conclusion.
  4. Davaroo

    Egg retrieving Dog??

    Aww thats sweet and a nice looking dog she is. Good job on the rescue. Around here, (and anywhere else I've ever been) egg retrieving dogs soon become egg sucking dogs. I know we like to think the best here at BYC, but that dog is one tooth away from a bad habit. Break her of egg retrieving...
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