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  1. Uzuri

    $%&# chicken laying in the mud

    So I just thought I'd update on this for other people who might be dealing with it. I left her contained in a small area with access to the nest box for one week. I believe she laid three eggs in that time. The first day out she laid outside again, but in the week since that all the eggs...
  2. Uzuri

    $%&# chicken laying in the mud

    Heheh, yeah, I figured it was something like that. I'm the same way the pendulum sexing posts XD
  3. Uzuri

    $%&# chicken laying in the mud

    Quote: Yeah, I knew that actually. I know my response before kinda implied that I didn't. Quote: I'm starting to wonder...
  4. Uzuri

    $%&# chicken laying in the mud

    I just *had* to update this, because what she did yesterday was pretty funny. I built the little cage that I mentioned before. It's not huge, but the idea is to keep her near the nestbox so she can see what she's supposed to be doing. She can turn around OK, and eat and drink, and she can go...
  5. Uzuri

    $%&# chicken laying in the mud

    Never say "Oh, she won't lay again today." She did. I know what I'm going to do now. THEY aren't going on lockdown; SHE is. Tomorrow evening I'm taking the crimps and some wire I have left from building the run and I'm going to build a little cage. This little cage will be inside the coop...
  6. Uzuri

    $%&# chicken laying in the mud

    Quote: Yes I do, actually. I'll have to keep an eye on her for signs of broodiness -- though if this particular idea of hers is "hiding" I'd hate to see "out in the open" XD Part of me wonders if this isn't a function of her being on the bottom of the pecking order, something I only just...
  7. Uzuri

    $%&# chicken laying in the mud

    Oh tell me about it -- and if they can't find a mudpuddle, they make one out of the waterer. I think they just like the taste of dirt :p
  8. Uzuri

    $%&# chicken laying in the mud

    That's a thought. Man, I'd hoped I'd get around that though -- they just all came out for the first time in 3 weeks Saturday. Stupid snow.
  9. Uzuri

    $%&# chicken laying in the mud

    I've got one idiot who finally started laying consistently at 9 months old -- consistently outside the coop, that is :p This being March in Ohio, that means her eggs are absolutely filthy. So what do I do to stop this? She's the only one that hasn't caught on to the nest box and I'm worried...
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