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  1. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    Actually, I think its pretty good. Not on the % of feed vs weight but just because they forage so well. They love any scraps I give them and eat ANYTHING. I have not tried to push the envelope there but I have not found anything yet that they would not eat. I swear mine eat the rabbit poop from...
  2. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    I processed 10 of the ducks today. It took 7 hours for me to do 10 ducks. I need a better system! Here's a breast: Pic of "Death Row": Here's my plucker. Its made for game birds but its all I have. It's not getting the job done so I'm going to town to get the last part I need for my...
  3. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    I didn't weigh them at the 8 week mark. I had to move them to a new enclosure and its a super pain to grab one and carry it to the other side of the property to weigh it. With muscovys you have to use gloves and a long sleeve shirt just to handle them. The claws are really something! I don't...
  4. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    14 weeks Males are now over 12 lbs each.
  5. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    The big differences in the weights appear to be just the males vs. the females. Its very easy to tell them apart at this point. The males are not really taller or larger, they are just thicker and bulkier. In fact, by looking at these 5 week old ducks I am now able to tell male from female in...
  6. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    Weekly Weigh In: 5 Weeks Average: 3.53 High: 4.16 Low: 2.41
  7. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    Great! They shipped on Thursday and arrived on Friday by noon. They did not panic to get out of the box like the 1st batch so I suspect the day in shipping makes a difference. They drank so little that I just left the waterers in with them and had zero losses. They are sharing my baby...
  8. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    3 day old with a 3 week old:
  9. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    1 day / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3weeks
  10. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    Weekly Weigh-In: Average 1.79 High 1.85 Low 1.65 Moved them outside to a 8'x'4' grow out pen and I am no longer providing heat. They are starting to get some white feathering around the eyes.
  11. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    Weekly Weigh-In: Average: 1.24 High: 1.31 Low: 1.13 They really put on some weight this week! They are very quick the way they run around the brooder. I made them a new brooder. It's 88"x20"x20". I'll post some pics of that later. They seem to have a real talent for...
  12. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    I didn't know that about ducks! I have another order shipping in the 6th. I will control the water intake. Thanks!
  13. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    I doubt it was the lamp. All of the losses occured during the 1st 12 hours. The lamp is indeed a 250 watt red heat lamp but it is aimed toward one end and I use a digital thermometer to monitor the heat. I have baked some birds by mistake like that when I was 1st getting into poultry but...
  14. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    Thanks! Here it is with the top on it: Im running some production red pullets and pekin ducks in it to test it out. They were on special a few weeks back and I couldnt resist. (1.50 and 1.60 respectively)
  15. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    Weekly Weigh-In (I plan to do this every Sat from now on) Average 0.452 High 0.529 Low 0.385 They are noticebly biggger. They are more settled in and dont freak out as much when I change their water and feeder. I removed the towel a few days ago and they are directly on...
  16. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    Ducks are doing well. They are eating well and seem to be growing. I will weigh them this weekend and post some pics. I did make some progress toward the new pasture pen. Its 8x8 and made of galvanized EMT conduit. Its much lighter than the wood and tin 8x16 I had last year. I hope to have...
  17. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    They breed true. I plan to breed these, not eat them. I agree, Its an investment. Let's hope it works out!
  18. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    The ducks were $6 each plus $40 for express shipping. They only offer express shipping on these for obvious reasons.
  19. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    I recieved these ducks Thursday morning and got them settled in. They were doing great when I left for work. I rushed home from work that afternoon to check on them. Over half of the ducks had died. A few others were acting odd, shaking their head like a seizure or something. Those died...
  20. crperdue

    Muscovy (JM Hatchery) Grow Out Journal

    I got my ducklings this morning. The PO called and said I had a box that was chirping and please come get it! This is what I got: I ordered 25 ducklings and all arrived in great shape. They were VERY active and tried to climb out of the box as soon as I opened it. It took two days to get...
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