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  1. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: Cull means to dispatch or do away with.. To cull a rooster or hen is to humanely kill it for either meat or disease.. To cull an egg is to throw it out.. If an egg is found with a blood ring or starts to smell it is culled to prevent bacteria from growing in the bator and destroying the...
  2. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    D'Angelo N Va. : Ok, I don't know what I am doing wrong....everyone here is having success and I am Thrilled for you all. My first hatch with my new incubator I only got 6 babies, cute as can be and growing wonderfully. I read some things that I did wrong and this time corrected them and put...
  3. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: Sounds about like when i was pregnant with my son.. I kept trying to get my husband to feel him kick.. He would put his hand on my tummy and automatically, the kicking would stop! He thought I was crazy! Goddess
  4. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Beckymom, that is absolutely amazing.. You're right, no one ever speaks about how the hatched chicks try to encourage the others like that.. Most of the time, you only hear about the peeping... I can't wait to go through this.. As for the humidity, I'm not sure but if most of them are already...
  5. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    So glad to see so many chicks are hatching!! I have hope this time around! My temps fluctuate as low as 98 and as high as 103 but most times I catch it.. The high temps get caught a lot faster than the low temps because I'm normally sleeping when the temp drops.. I'm not sure how long it goes...
  6. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: I am also using a homemade incubator and I had to take the turner I was using out (was also homemade) because a piece on it kept breaking so i had to make another one.. I was using an egg carton that I could just raise each side up and I changed it to an egg carton that I cut the...
  7. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: Good to know.. I've just seen a lot of posts in the past where the OP didn't know that so wanted to make sure.. They are absolutely adorable.. What a great Easter present... Goddess
  8. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: One thing I thought of, please make sure if you are giving them chick starter, it is not medicated.. Ducklings will overdose on it because they eat much more than a chick does... Goddess
  9. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: If you are only giving them crumbles then no. They will not need grit.. When they start free ranging or eating bugs or plants (ie grass, flowers, etc) or even table scraps they will need grit.. Goddess
  10. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Oyster shell is not grit.. It is used to supplement calcium for egg formation.. If you give a calcium supplement before POL, you can do damage to their systems.. You need to get grit which is just small rocks and sand used to grind food in the gizzard... If they free range, they won't need a...
  11. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: Ok.. Ithought I knew what I was doing but now I'm confused... I set my eggs at 10:30am on March 25.. I was expecting Lockdown to be April 12 and hatch date to be April 15th.. Does this mean my dates are wrong? Goddess
  12. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: The temp does drop drastically when you candle but the outcome all depends on which bator you are using.. If you have one that heats back up quickly and has a thermostat on it to regulate the heat, it's not so bad.. Even a sitting hen will get off the nest once a day.. Personally, i...
  13. GreenGoddess

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Ok.. count me in! Just set 36 eggs this morning!! 12 Americana, 9 Barred Rock x Production red, 8 Delaware, 6 Production red and 1 Buckeye.. This will be my second attempt.. Last summer I tried it and failed miserably due to very bad incubator fluctuations in both temp and humidity.. But, This...
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