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  1. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: First you. You need to move your broodies to a private place away from the other hens. When they get out once a day to do their business another hen gets in and lays and egg. When the broody comes back she just gets in another nest that has eggs. Her hormones just tell her to sit on...
  2. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I am in a pickle... I had a broody on one egg. I didnt want any more babies, so I took all the eggs but one. It hatched this morning.. I worked a double, so when I got home a bit ago, I went out into the dark....scary.... to check on it. It was alone and mom was up on the roost with the rest...
  3. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: I love stories like that. good for the little fighter.
  4. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: Would love to see a picture of your baby colt when it is born.
  5. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: so glad you helped it out. I probably am a bit to quick to help them but havent lost any yet..
  6. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: that is a fantastic picture. LOve it.
  7. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Mrs. Feathers : PS I`ll learn how to make the photos smaller for next time...they look like godzilla chicks! love the bigger pictures.!!!
  8. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I am so sad that I am putting up my incubator. I miss the anticipation.. but I can't have any more babies. and mine are mixed breeds so not worth selling... I have alot of eggs that I guess I will pitch. Been saving them in case these didnt hatch but I got 100% of the ones that went to lockdown.
  9. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: these are geese. My ducks were 4 weeks ago and they are HUGE... the geese are so different from the ducks. The ducks were real skittish and would not let me near them.... the geese are sweeties. they will nibble on my fingers and follow me. I love them. Geese are so social.
  10. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    just an update on snakebite...(formally known as miracle) lol. I thought the name snakebite was appropriate. This is a picture of him today. they all had their first outing at 2 and three days old. All 11 went out and had their first swim.. in a bowl lid with a deep 1/4 inch of
  11. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: very sorry that you lost a baby. that always sucks.
  12. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I made it thru the night with the help of my tylenol PM. Baby seems fine this morning. The goose never looked back after I removed her babies. She never did go back to check on them.. She lost so much weight while sitting, she seems to want to do nothing bbut FLY. She is loving it. She can...
  13. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    This looks like a comfy place to
  14. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I now have 11 babies in the brooder, Adrenaline is gone... shaking has commenced!!
  15. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    OK... have quite the story to tell. I got off work at 3:30 and got home to go straight out to check on my babies. I noticed that mom was really raising a ruckus and just thought she wanted out. Got out there and there was a HUGE snake in the room with her and the babies. It was eating one of...
  16. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: Glad to hear that that one is doing better. What do they call baby geese? Goslings? yeah, I guess I should say gosling...
  17. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    One of my baby geese had a hind end just like that yesterday. It was gone by today. I assume it was the yolk that was absorbed but maybe not all the way????? not sure, just know that mine was fine today.
  18. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    And.. as a footnote, way back before my geese were even laying, I ordered three baby geese from the ag store here. Sort of forgot about it in the excitement of the laying and the hatching. They called and my babies will be here on the fifteenth. I asked if I could cancel and they said no...
  19. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    they are back a few pages.. I am sorry everyone... I had a little pity party with only myself invited. Better now. I know that I don't take the time to comment on every picture even tho I do look at them.. SOOOOO... Sorry again. My pity me time is over.lololol add to that, I am having a...
  20. newduckie

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    really disapointed that I went to the trouble to post pictures and had only one person comment. Maybe it is better to be a lurker than a participant. Maybe this is one of those clique sites that I will use for info only and not comment. Seems that I post and wait and wait and never get...
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