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  1. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: Now you. Sometimes a hatch occurs over a sucession of days. I jsut had a hatch that started 2 days early. I took the first chick out. That was tuesday. The rest happend over wed. , thurs., and friday. They can take some time. While some were still getting out others would pip, zip and...
  2. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: First you. You need to move your broodies to a private place away from the other hens. When they get out once a day to do their business another hen gets in and lays and egg. When the broody comes back she just gets in another nest that has eggs. Her hormones just tell her to sit on...
  3. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Come on this is the last day of April. Aren't there anymore hatchings going on?
  4. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Ok the score . The eggs turned pointy end down won. Three eggs didnt' hatch and they were pointy end up. Here's pics. 14 / 15 Dels, 3/4 CM's, 2/3 bant friz crosses, and one unknown. 20 for 23. The eggs that didn't hatch were 1 del, 1 cm, and 1 bantam friz cross , so it wasn't the breed. They...
  5. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: Now look it you! Don't try to get me started by posting cutsey wootsey pics of pheasants. I'm strickly a chickens person, I'm strickly a chickens person, I'm strickley a chickens person. I'm stiiiiiicklllllly a chiiiiickkkken perrrrsooonnnn. FYI the incu is full of action and it...
  6. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I would like to do turkeys but I have no room and then too what would I do come thanksgiving? Plus I've done so much reading about chickens I'd have to do all the research for turkeys. Please don't get me started on turkeys. OK? I do hope your hatches are good and you post lots of pics. I...
  7. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Well now, last night another bantam started to pip but hasn't progressed very far today. BUT, 4 of the Dels ahve started to pip. 2 were stored pointy side up and 2 down. Today would be day 21 if you count the day of set as 1. Chick from last night doing ok but lonely I expect. I have two older...
  8. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Not that I need the chicks or have room but I'd be glad if all of them hatched. I removed the chick and now the wait for the others begin. There are two other bantams but if they hatch tomorrow they'll have to stay.. This one by the way pipped and zipped out of the carton ok. It seems strong...
  9. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    well it's hatched and i've got the brooder ready. I thought I'd wait til the temp gets to 95*. I put a thermometer at chick level. I've still got 2-3 days on the others. Not sure the other two will hatch. One I'm doubtful at candling. Not sure I liked what I saw then. We shall see. So am I...
  10. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Can you tell I'm freaking? I've posted for help everywhere I think someone is still awake. LOL
  11. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Anybody know what to do? I 've got 23 eggs in the incu. They are due to hatch thurs. or fri. but 3 are bantams and I thought they took 21 days. Right? Well one of them is hatching now. Right now! What do i do? Leave it in the incu? Thurs day will be 2 days after hathcing and fri 3. I know...
  12. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    We have lock down and I'm giving the egg carton hatching system a shot. Hatch day is 4/29 or 4/30. Stayed tuned and cross everything you can cross.
  13. rancher hicks

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Well I've got eggs due to hatch on the 29/30. I also have a broody w/ eggs due next month and two more that I haven't given real eggs to yet. I'm trying to find another breed and the auction is tomorrow.
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